~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Monday, April 09, 2007

The Boys

Here's my guys. This is about the only time they get so close to each other, waiting for a treat. They more or less ignore each other. Well except when Eddie gets in a mood to pester.

One thing I've noticed is, whenever Bear comes in after taking off on me, Eddie will pick a fight with him. This has happened enough times that I've noticed the pattern. Is he mad at Bear for taking off?

They're pretty funny together. They're both possessive of me. If I'm petting one the other comes right over and butts in. I am equal with the loving and treats and attention. I have to be.

Eddie is still a playful puppy and Bear is becoming an old man. Not the best mix. They are polar opposites most of the time. But for the most part they co-exist happily. I was hoping they would get close, but so far that isn't happening. They will sleep on the same couch together but at opposite ends. There is no cute snuggling up together.

You would think, just with the size difference, Eddie would run from Bear. But not so, if anything, Eddie is the more aggressive one. He doesn't back down at all and in fact he starts it most of the time. They do play, chasing each other around outside, but it's rare. Hopefully there'll be more of that once the weather gets nice and we're spending more time outside.

So, Hubby got an email from the lady with the scooter. She said he can come pick it up if he still wants it. ??? Apparently she read the email I sent to her nieghbour about it. Now Hubby is making me and D.W go get it for him, ugh. Personally I would have said "no thanks".

We had our ham dinner yesterday. It wasn't so good. I didn't have all the ingredients for the raisin sauce and the local store wasn't open, so I had to improvise. It turned out ok, but not the best. We tried a new kind of Yorkshire Pudding. I don't know how to make it from scratch, so I usually buy these little mixes in a pouch and it turns out pretty good, just not homemade good. While we were out shopping we found frozen ones. You just put them on a cookie sheet and heat them for 2 minutes. Had to try that. But they were awful. Was going to say they tasted like cardboard, but I think even cardboard would've tasted better.

And today we're going over to S.Ws for a turkey dinner. She and her hubby came over here last night. It was fun. We exchanged gifts, just like Christmas I tell ya. We gave them a big rabbit statue for their garden and some chocolate. They gave us a lovely plant assortment in a basket. We played one game of darts and then just drank and chatted. The hours flew by.

And because of that, I slept in this morning and missed the garbage man. Dammit. I'll have to be sure to not miss him the next couple of weeks to get caught up again.

We finally used the camera tripod yesterday. Took a little fooling around and reading the manual again to figure out the delay on the camera, but we got it. They had me running down to the familyroom in the middle of cooking, thus the apron, sigh. Hubby set the zoom so the pictures all turned out grainy. But hey, we know how to use it now, there's always next time.

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