~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Monday, April 09, 2007

Free Haircut You Say?

Tonight I have my heated throw turned up to medium. Until now, low was adequate. At some point while we were at S.Ws, the snow stopped falling and the temperature plummeted. If there's one thing I really really don't like, it's being cold. By the time we got home I had a good chill on. The drive is probably less than 2 minutes.

After waiting all morning for a reply email from the woman with the Freecycle scooter, Hubby and I went to town for haircuts. He got the usual buzzcut and I got a trim. The hairstylist told me my hair is now long enough to donate, and, that when you donate your hair, there is no charge for the cut. I didn't know that, bonus. But I've decided I want to keep it long for the summer and I'll donate it in the fall. So I just had my split ends cleaned up. Of course the email came while we were out and by the time we saw it, it was too late.

Hubby was actually on a mission when we went to town. The quest for a pierced nose. We picked up a little gold ring from a jewellry store in the mall and then hit three tattoo shops. There were no piercing people on duty today. Then as a last resort we went back to the mall to Claires, LOL. Not a chance. Oh well, later in the week. He's determined to have it done.

Since we got up late and hadn't eaten, we grabbed a light lunch in town and some wine and stuff to take over to dinner. We had a lovely visit and of course the dinner was delicious. Didn't drink much though. I think we all had enough the night before.

At some point today a SOLD sign went up at the first place that went up for sale. That was FAST. And the people nextdoor had a moving truck in their driveway today. Hopefully we'll get some good new neighbours. It's somehow more of a big deal when you own your home than when neighbours move from a rented apartment or whatever. You expect it in an apartment, renters tend to move more often I think. I know I did. Rental apartment life is fleeting, you have people you say hi to on the elevator or out in the courtyard, but you can be there for years and not even know your nextdoor nieghbours name. Maybe it's only because it's such a small community here, I don't know. But when you buy a house, you seem to have more dealings with your nieghbours and want to know what they sell for etc. because it affects your property value. Can you tell this is my first home of my own? It's just a weird little difference between renting and buying. I know the names of 75% of my nieghbours. I have conversations beyond "hi, how are ya?" with them. We socialize. We help each other out. Things have changed in the last year. Not as much socializing going on, (and some would say that's all my fault.) I continue to socialize, just with different people. We didn't have any get togethers here the past year, which we usually do have several in a year. Things change when people move. That house selling that quickly leads me to think maybe this is a good time to sell. Truth be known, I really wouldn't mind moving. When I think about it, there isn't all that much to do. We need a new roof, that's the biggest thing. Other than that, get the central vac working again, a major declutter, pack everything in storage, some flooring, some paint and a good cleaning. The house would sell itself. Things to think about. And maybe start actually doing.

It snowed all day but didn't stick much. Then all the mud froze. I sure am appreciating my heated blanket right about now.



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