~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Thursday, July 20, 2006

I Have Lurkers...

Greetings Dear Readers...
Life is chockfull of surprises isn't it? I would have never, ever, even thought of you, S.S, as one of my faithful viewers! I am a little dismayed that you remain a lurker though. You used to pop into euchre and say hello, you should say hello on here once in a while lol. At least just sign my guestbook...
That was a wild storm we had the other day. There was hardly any thunder, but tons of lightning. There was a lot of wind damage done around here. Of course the power went out, Little R was at a friends place, so Hubby and I opened the blinds, sat back and watched the light show. There seems to be another storm brewing up this moment as I type. I hope I get to finish before the power inevitably goes out again. The poor dog is a nervous wreck.
The gardens are rocking! We have tons of tomatoes and green peppers already. I didn't want to mention that my Clematis has blooms on it, for fear of them not blooming lol, but when I looked at it today, sure enough one of the blooms is opening! Yay! My very first Clematis to actually bloom! All of my Columbines are blooming again, I didn't know they have a second round. I also seem to have an awful lot of Wild Columbines around, never knew there was wild ones. I have three rose bushes, they are all blooming still, even the one I moved.
The Dahlias which were given to me by a neighbour, thank you M.L, are huge. I'm not familiar with them so didn't know how big they would get and planted a couple of them too close together. They too have flower buds showing. I planted the two Easter Lillies Hubby gave me, and they both have new growth happening! I always thought Easter Lillies were a tropical thing lol. I had no idea they would grow here. I certainly didn't know if you plant them they will come back after they die down. Everything is just thriving.
I have come to learn more about the 4H Club. We went to a judging competition in Drayton a couple of weeks ago. The kids go and judge various things like dairy cows, beef cattle, market rabbits, quilt squares, haylage and stuff like that. It was fun, interesting and educational. It teaches the kids how to judge, what to look for. What I have learned is the club we are in isn't the best one out there. Our leaders are not very involved or enthusiastic or organized. We still don't even know when the next meeting is! So next year I think I am going to switch her to a different club in our area. We'll stay with the Dairy Club though. Little R has been going to the farm quite regularly, thank you S.W. There was some brief concern about Gem, that maybe something was wrong with her, but she seems fine now.
I am starting to feel more like myself again. Lets face it, there will always be assholes among us. Contrary to the belief of some, I do not live for the drama. I don't like drama lol. There is no pleasing all the people all the time. I can live with that. If people can't or won't understand me, that's their loss, their problem, not mine.
We ended up in emerg. again last week, ugh. I got yet another toothache, they never happen during office hours, never. It started around 7 p.m and progressed throughout the evening until I was in screaming agony. After taking 5 or so of Hubbys extreme pain pills, and using OraGel and getting no relief I figured it must be infected. I finally fell asleep only to awake within minutes from the pain, so off we went. No kidding we were in and out within about 7 minutes! It was unbelievable. They gave me a dose of antibiotics and a shot for pain and a prescription for both. I went to the dentist and was quite relieved when he agreed with me that I just need dentures. We have never had dental insurance. I've had a couple of traumatic experiences with dentists, so have a level of fear there. Since my teens my teeth have steadily declined. I do brush frequently and try to keep them healthy, theres nothing more I can do. Some people just have bad teeth. My mother had bad teeth, yet my father has all his own teeth still at 91. I have always had dentists telling me its better to save your own teeth than get dentures blah blah blah. I have spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on saving my teeth. I realize its better to keep your own teeth than to have dentures. But its time. I love this dentist! I trust him, I don't fear him. He gives us a break because we don't have insurance (some don't care). He's great and I'm glad I found him. So by the end of this year I will have dentures! Yay...
We're losing our satellite signal off and on, the power usually isn't far behind. So I should sign off for now.
Have a lovely afternoon.

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