Christmas Night, Silent Night
Good evening.
It sure did take me a long time to get those previous entries in order. Took forever to upload the pictures. A lot of farting around with editing etc. too.
Now it's 1:30 a.m and I am the only one still up, well, except for Bear, looking over at me every now and then from his cozy corner on the couch.
As Hubby and I stepped outside to go for a little drive about, to look at Christmas lights, it started to snow. As soon as we came home again, it stopped. We were out for about 45 minutes, didn't see any deer this time, however, a possum skittered across the road right in front of us. We didn't see many lights either. There is one house around the corner that has an incredible display, I took some pictures of course. At one house we stopped to take a picture, there was someone standing in the driveway, and he asked us if we were looking for something lol, Hubby told him, no we're just driving around taking pictures of Christmas lights, he said, oh he thought maybe we were looking for our lost dog or something. Heaven knows what he must have really been thinking. Some of the photos turned out pretty good, some didn't, some were just too far away. I'm sure there must be a setting on my camera just for that type of thing. I have so much to learn about that thing still. I even got a shot of S.W's lights! I should take this opportunity, as I know she reads this now and then, to thank her for the lovely Christmas present she gave me. Thank you so much S.W, I love it. Very thoughtful of you to remember me saying I miss having a Body Shop nearby to shop at. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and Santa was good to you. I'm sure we'll talk tomorrow :-)
I notice in the picture of W.S and P.S, they look a little unhappy or something, but I know that it's only because I snapped the picture just a hair too soon, before they were quite ready, is all. They were actually in very good spirits and on their way to the big family dinner at his mom's.
Rest In Pieces "Robert". Bear tore him open this evening and gutted him. He seemed content to just get rid of the squeaker, but then continued on to pulling the stuffing out one bite at a time. In one day, two new toys down and two to go. As I mentioned he's sleeping on the couch rather than his brand new spiffy bed too. What a guy.
Little R had a fun-filled day, ripping CDs and downloading tunes onto her iPod. She seemed so grown up the last couple of days. Hard to believe she's only 13. Aside from the obvious, physical changes, she is maturing in her manner also.
Hubby prepared a nice beef soup type of deal for our dinner. I tossed some Pillsbury Crecents in the oven to go with the soup. It was good. I love when he's home to cook, he enjoys doing it. Me? Not so much.
I really should get my butt to bed, another big day tomorrow. Hopefully the snow won't cause any trouble for Big R getting here. I can't wait to see her! (Hopefully it will actually snow!)
Ok so now I will post a couple of the photos I took this evening...

It sure did take me a long time to get those previous entries in order. Took forever to upload the pictures. A lot of farting around with editing etc. too.
Now it's 1:30 a.m and I am the only one still up, well, except for Bear, looking over at me every now and then from his cozy corner on the couch.
As Hubby and I stepped outside to go for a little drive about, to look at Christmas lights, it started to snow. As soon as we came home again, it stopped. We were out for about 45 minutes, didn't see any deer this time, however, a possum skittered across the road right in front of us. We didn't see many lights either. There is one house around the corner that has an incredible display, I took some pictures of course. At one house we stopped to take a picture, there was someone standing in the driveway, and he asked us if we were looking for something lol, Hubby told him, no we're just driving around taking pictures of Christmas lights, he said, oh he thought maybe we were looking for our lost dog or something. Heaven knows what he must have really been thinking. Some of the photos turned out pretty good, some didn't, some were just too far away. I'm sure there must be a setting on my camera just for that type of thing. I have so much to learn about that thing still. I even got a shot of S.W's lights! I should take this opportunity, as I know she reads this now and then, to thank her for the lovely Christmas present she gave me. Thank you so much S.W, I love it. Very thoughtful of you to remember me saying I miss having a Body Shop nearby to shop at. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and Santa was good to you. I'm sure we'll talk tomorrow :-)
I notice in the picture of W.S and P.S, they look a little unhappy or something, but I know that it's only because I snapped the picture just a hair too soon, before they were quite ready, is all. They were actually in very good spirits and on their way to the big family dinner at his mom's.
Rest In Pieces "Robert". Bear tore him open this evening and gutted him. He seemed content to just get rid of the squeaker, but then continued on to pulling the stuffing out one bite at a time. In one day, two new toys down and two to go. As I mentioned he's sleeping on the couch rather than his brand new spiffy bed too. What a guy.
Little R had a fun-filled day, ripping CDs and downloading tunes onto her iPod. She seemed so grown up the last couple of days. Hard to believe she's only 13. Aside from the obvious, physical changes, she is maturing in her manner also.
Hubby prepared a nice beef soup type of deal for our dinner. I tossed some Pillsbury Crecents in the oven to go with the soup. It was good. I love when he's home to cook, he enjoys doing it. Me? Not so much.
I really should get my butt to bed, another big day tomorrow. Hopefully the snow won't cause any trouble for Big R getting here. I can't wait to see her! (Hopefully it will actually snow!)
Ok so now I will post a couple of the photos I took this evening...
The first few shots are of the fabulous display around the corner.
The white house is S.W's place.
The next one is lights that look like they're on an evergreen tree, but really it's a maple tree or something. Too bad I couldn't get a clearer shot. Yes, it snowed through this whole excursion, so the snow messes up the photos somewhat at times. And the next one is the fence in front of Little R's school. I just had to show that they actually decorate at the school for the HOLIDAYS. Too cool.
Today was fun, today is done, tomorrow is another one.
Good night and sweet dreams.
The white house is S.W's place.
The next one is lights that look like they're on an evergreen tree, but really it's a maple tree or something. Too bad I couldn't get a clearer shot. Yes, it snowed through this whole excursion, so the snow messes up the photos somewhat at times. And the next one is the fence in front of Little R's school. I just had to show that they actually decorate at the school for the HOLIDAYS. Too cool.
Today was fun, today is done, tomorrow is another one.
Good night and sweet dreams.
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