~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

That Damn Scooter

Here we go again. The crazy woman with the scooter says we can pick it up this afternoon. It's to the point of I'm dreading it. It's been a week or more since the whole thing started, it shouldn't be such a drawn out affair. I've never had such a run around before. We've had enough Freecycle experiences to know how painless, quick and smooth it can and should go. She suggested 1 p.m and then when Hubby agreed to that she said we better make it 1:15 to allow for any delay. Whatever, holy moly.

Hubby did it yesterday, he got his nose pierced. Technically his septum. So he'll have a ring through his nose like a bull. Right now you can't even see whatever is in there, it's inside his nose. I was a little surprised he went through with it, but not really.

He ever so casually mentioned that he had cancelled his physio appointment for Friday. It didn't click right away. This Friday is the Friday the 13th Port Dover thing. I figured we weren't going, Hubby had said he didn't really want to go, so I sort of put it out of my mind and forgot about it. After casually mentioning that our daughter has an appointment at the tattoo place and he cancelled physio, I had to put two and two together. We're going to Port Dover, we just won't be riding down. And he had promised Little R she can get her nose peirced, they were supposed to go do it together I guess, so he made her appointment while he was there. She will be getting a very tiny diamond stud in the side of her nose. I think she's a little young for it, but then I think she's almost 14, she's going into high school this year, she's not really too young.

So yay, we're going to PD13! There are two this year, April and July. Hopefully we'll ride to the July one. It is fun there. It's the biggest biker doo in Canada. There are hundreds of thousands of people and bikes. It's a nice little town. There's plenty to see and do. I like seeing all the different bands playing. I like walking from bar to bar. I like the shopping. I like running into people I haven't seen for a while. Good times.

It looks like we'll have the bike back here within the next week, for sure. It's a matter of getting a trailer and coordinating everything. Then hopefully the weather will cooperate and allow him to work on it. The garage looks strange without it. Even if we had it here, it's too cold to ride down to Port Dover. However July should be perfect. There is a place I want to stop on the way there. Its the only garden center who sells the hogs on hawgs statues. I've been wanting to get one for my front garden ever since we saw them at Six Nations Choppers last summer. Theirs weren't for sale, just for decoration.

Unbelievably, they're calling for more snow this week. Will it ever end? What happens to all the birds, like the robins, who have come back? What do they eat when the ground is frozen and or covered with snow? I think when the temperatures do rise, they'll stay up. Overnight spring. And I can't wait. I am going to enjoy every minute of this summer.

I may go tanning today I think. Depends if Flo shows up or not. I must be starting menopause. But I really don't want to talk about that.

Oops. Hubby just got an email and he has to whip down to the city to sign some papers. We won't be able to make it to the crazy ladys house today. Now it's up to me to send her an email explaining this, ugh. No tanning for me today.



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