~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Friday, July 21, 2006

My First Clematis Flower!

Good evening...
Too much rain happening here, haven't been able to get outside much. My Clematis bloom opened, and it is beautiful! There are actually several buds. I believe it is a "Nelly Moser", or something like that lol, and it is pinkish with a dark pink in the center. Check back for a picture of it once the rain stops.
There is a ton of barn board waiting for us to pick it up. Friends are putting new walls up etc., basically rebuilding their barn/shed and we are taking some of the wood to perhaps use for wainscotting or flooring. The weather has not been cooperative. Besides Hubby has had a busy week at work. We've only picked up one truckload so far.
I haven't cut the grass in too long. Its just been too wet and the days the sun was out I was busy with appointments etc. Ugh.

Hello again...its Saturday now and I took a bunch of pictures of the Clematis and yes it is a "Nelly Moser". Its been overcast most of the day and I didn't use the flash on the camera.

So there you have it. I love how it stands out in the bottom picture! There are several other buds, can't wait to see them open too. I have no idea how long the flowers last. I have seen other ones (from a distance) covered in flowers.

Well, I pulled an all-nighter last night, don't know what happened to me, I just could not get to sleep. I do know I am getting too old for that LOL. It really hurt today. Hubby dragged me out garage sale'ing. We got some fabulous deals! At one place, which was a moving sale at a farm, they had a barn full of stuff. They had a lot of books and it was "fill up a box with books for $1"! I must have gotten 30 or so books for $1! I got books at every sale we went to. Another one had books $.25 for paperbacks and $.50 for hardcovers, I got several there also. I came home with at least 50 books! In total I think we spent less than $30. We got a pair of wooden batwing doors, for $2!, which Hubby has already installed in the kitchen doorway. We got a couple of nice lamps, lamp shades and a gorgeous ceiling fixture also for our kitchen. I got a handmade, plaid poncho and some glass candle stick holders. Like I say, less than $30 was spent, we had a great day.
Well I think I'll try to play a couple of games of euchre before I head to bed. I did have a couple of hours of sleep early in the evening, so I'm raring to go for now. I may have trouble deciding on a book to read with so many to choose from LOL!
Have a wonderful night.


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