~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tropical Vacations.....Sigh

Good morning.
Gawd, I can't even believe I missed the garbage pick up again this week! It's going to take weeks just to get rid of it all now. I heard the truck coming just as I was getting ready to take it out and I missed it. We have a small dumpster out back, but it's full to capacity. The problem is the recycling. I have 2 recycle boxes and they are over-flowing. Now I've filled a large trash bag and several boxes with recyclables.
The temperatures are supposed to go up all week. I was just outside trying to chase Bear down, he took off on me when I let him out back, and it does seem a lot milder. So for sure, next Monday, I'll be prepared to put as much as I'm allowed out to the curb.
Still no word from Hubbys boss. This is getting scarey. Hubby is getting a little too comfortable with staying home. I do believe it is getting to him as well though. He's ready to go back to work. Now if his boss would just co-operate.
I haven't been doing much of anything. I've been glued to reading the archives of the latest blog. It's like a very long, repetative book. But some of it is very funny.
This person claims to be Bipolar, along with other "mental illnesses". At one time I thought I may be Bipolar, but according to the doctors, my highs aren't manic enough and my lows aren't manic enough. Because apparently thats what Bipolar is, you have manic highs and lows. Apparently my depressions are just depressions. You may have noticed I haven't named my recent diagnoses on here. I'm just not comfortable sharing that here just yet. This blog writer also has some OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) issues. I think I have a bit of that too, but like the Bipolar thing, the doctors say no. It's like I have a hint of all these other things, but don't really have a severe case of it. They say either you have it or you don't, and apparently, I don't. It has all made for some very interesting reading though.
I'm very thankful for my recent diagnoses. Finally there is a name for the way I feel and the things that have happened to me. And best of all, there is medication which actually helps me. I've tried every kind of anti-depressant on the market, since I get depressed, but none of them ever helped me. Most of them made me feel sick, like nauseous and jittery, but did nothing for my depression. I finally decided I would rather feel depressed than the way those medications made me feel. That was many years ago.
Well then I got this new doctor a couple of years ago and started having episodes of depression and anxiety again. He sent me to this other doctor who pegged me with a diagnoses in our first appointment. He told me of a website to check out and as I was reading it I was just thrilled to see that yes this is definately me, this is what I have, this is whats wrong with me. And of course the medication he gave me did the trick, made me feel better. And yes, it does alter my brain chemicals.
What bothers me now is, why did it take so long? Why did no other doctor previously come to this conclusion? This was not the first time I had gone to a doctor about my depression and most recently anxiety. I've spent my whole adult life searching for a cure.
It's been a bizarre experience. I am thrilled to know I'm not the only one out there who has gone through some things and who feels the way I do sometimes. I'm thrilled to know there is a name for it and a medication to control it.
Reading this blog has helped me to see that I'm not Bipolar or Manic Depressive or OCD. It has helped me to understand my own situation better. Being depressed can make one feel isolated which makes the depression even worse. I don't feel isolated any more. I now know I'm not alone. I now know it isn't my fault. I now know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I feel enlightened and empowered. I feel calm and happy, and thats a change. I'm just thrilled.
So, that's where I've been, that's what I've been doing. I still have a lot of reading to do before I'll be all caught up with the writers life. But I may just take a break from it today and get some stuff done around the house.
My friend is still stuck with Stewie at her house. She has been unable to reach the people who want him. I sure hope they haven't changed their minds. One of her dogs is not taking too kindly to Stewie and it's been chaos at her house. She's been forced to keep them alternately in kennel cages. I feel so bad for her and for Stewie. But at the same time, she was happy to get him out of the house he was in.
I am here, just eagerly awaiting spring. Hopefully we'll get a taste of it this week and hopefully some of this snow will melt away. I have a little bucket full of different flower seeds. Some were bought, some were given to me, some were taken from my very own flowers. I can't find the bucket. I'm just not sure where I stashed it. I'll have another look around for it today. I'd like to get some things started soon. I've only tried doing this once before and it didn't work. I'd love to be able to plant flowers I started from seed myself. It would be nice to get some great deals on plants like we did last year too. I don't know if they do it every year or not as last year was the first time I had noticed them. At a farm down the road, they had a wagon full of flowers and plants for sale at awesome prices. The prices at the stores are just getting too high, it goes up every year it seems, like everything else. With my huge yard, the possibilities are just endless. Who knew I would love gardening so much? But it does stand to reason since my mother was a master. Its relaxing, calming and so rewarding. Plus I get an awesome tan being out it the sun so much. Oh how I'm longing for some sun. It never used to bother me. I used to love winter. But now I find myself dreaming of tropical vacations, laying on a beach with the warm sun beating down on me and warm breezes caressing my skin. Who knew? I've never ever been on a tropical vacation. It never interested me. But I am starting to see the attraction. Until this year, there was always a lot of drunken weekends during the winter. That was how I got through it. I think its in the future to plan some mid-winter tropical vacations. Though I do miss the drunken weekends too hehe.
I've been cooped up in the house for too long, can you tell?
Well, I'm off to get some laundry done and stuff. Have a wonderful day.


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