Yet Another Baby Bird
Yesterday Little R went to a birthday party that consisted of them going up to Wasaga Beach for the day and then camping out in tents in the backyard overnight. Wasaga Beach is the longest fresh water beach in Canada, or something like that. So she popped in briefly when they got back from the beach and then headed off to sleep in a tent. What did we do with the freedom? Why we went to bed early of course. And its not what you're thinking, we went right to sleep. So sad.
When Mr. Man got home from work we sat outside with our coffee for a while. The first thing I noticed was a robin squawking incessantly. I thought is it mad because the boys killed its baby yesterday? And then I noticed, behind Mr. Man, sitting on the back of a bench, was yet another baby robin. Aaaahhhhh, thats why this bird is having a bird. So we took pictures of it. And watched it hop from the bench to the barbecue and then the side shelf of the barbecue. Eventually it tried to fly. It didn't make it very far, it landed right behind the propane tank. Guess who was just on the other side of that tank? Eddie of course. He was tethered but he could reach the other side of the tank. So I asked Mr. Man to put him inside before he got a chance at the bird. Bear is fine, he won't bother with it, and he's not tethered because he's good like that. The only reason he went after it the day before was because Eddie was. So Mr. Man put Eddie in the house and we watched the baby bird hop over a wood pile and along the fence until we lost sight of him and the mama bird stopped squawking. So thats 3 baby birds in my yard in a couple of weeks. I thought they do this in the spring, not near the end of the summer. Have babies I mean. They must have nests in both our big trees, since I found one out front and 2 out back.
So heres pictures...

I finally heard back from Big R. That girl is just full of resentment. She doesn't seem to feel any connection to me or her sister. I've tried and tried talking to her. All I get is her resentment. She takes everything I say wrongly. Is this something all kids go through? I always thought when she grew up she would understand and appreciate things. But the older she gets the worse it gets. Mr. Man wanted it known that he would miss her also. He was unable to reach her when he phoned her, seems her voicemail was full. So I still don't know if she's coming up here this weekend or not, but I have a feeling its not. Since shes been old enough to be resentful, thats how shes been. This started a long time ago. I divorced her father when she was young and Mr. Man has been around ever since. Her father remarried before I did. And he moved to another province, back where he came from. She has always gone down there for visits. In the beginning I had to force her father to be her father. He would have been happy to just run away from it all. So shes always had a spare set of parents to go to and to compare to. I never thought the day would come that she would choose to live down there. Her father made it very difficult for me when she was little. The child support he was forced to pay was a token, it was nothing. I took whatever he said he could afford, I didn't go for the maximum, because my goal was not to make his life hard. And this is what I get in the end. All my grief and struggle to raise that kid on my own, got me nowhere. I have my own resentments now. The whole thing is just sad. I hope she'll be happy in her new home.
When Mr. Man got home from work we sat outside with our coffee for a while. The first thing I noticed was a robin squawking incessantly. I thought is it mad because the boys killed its baby yesterday? And then I noticed, behind Mr. Man, sitting on the back of a bench, was yet another baby robin. Aaaahhhhh, thats why this bird is having a bird. So we took pictures of it. And watched it hop from the bench to the barbecue and then the side shelf of the barbecue. Eventually it tried to fly. It didn't make it very far, it landed right behind the propane tank. Guess who was just on the other side of that tank? Eddie of course. He was tethered but he could reach the other side of the tank. So I asked Mr. Man to put him inside before he got a chance at the bird. Bear is fine, he won't bother with it, and he's not tethered because he's good like that. The only reason he went after it the day before was because Eddie was. So Mr. Man put Eddie in the house and we watched the baby bird hop over a wood pile and along the fence until we lost sight of him and the mama bird stopped squawking. So thats 3 baby birds in my yard in a couple of weeks. I thought they do this in the spring, not near the end of the summer. Have babies I mean. They must have nests in both our big trees, since I found one out front and 2 out back.
So heres pictures...
I finally heard back from Big R. That girl is just full of resentment. She doesn't seem to feel any connection to me or her sister. I've tried and tried talking to her. All I get is her resentment. She takes everything I say wrongly. Is this something all kids go through? I always thought when she grew up she would understand and appreciate things. But the older she gets the worse it gets. Mr. Man wanted it known that he would miss her also. He was unable to reach her when he phoned her, seems her voicemail was full. So I still don't know if she's coming up here this weekend or not, but I have a feeling its not. Since shes been old enough to be resentful, thats how shes been. This started a long time ago. I divorced her father when she was young and Mr. Man has been around ever since. Her father remarried before I did. And he moved to another province, back where he came from. She has always gone down there for visits. In the beginning I had to force her father to be her father. He would have been happy to just run away from it all. So shes always had a spare set of parents to go to and to compare to. I never thought the day would come that she would choose to live down there. Her father made it very difficult for me when she was little. The child support he was forced to pay was a token, it was nothing. I took whatever he said he could afford, I didn't go for the maximum, because my goal was not to make his life hard. And this is what I get in the end. All my grief and struggle to raise that kid on my own, got me nowhere. I have my own resentments now. The whole thing is just sad. I hope she'll be happy in her new home.
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