Glorious Sunshine
What a glorious, sunny day! And it wasn't too cold out either. It's about time. All I did was go to town with Mr. Man for dog food, put out the garbage, and hung around out back taking pictures. I soaked up as much rays as I could stand though. Man it felt good to have the sun beating down on me. I'm hoping to take the boys for a walk but I need Mr. Man to come with me and he's busy watching a western on tv right now. Hopefully we'll still have some sun whenever his movie is over.

So I just thought that was interesting. Looks like fun eh? We are also surrounded by groomed snowmobile trails. Too bad we sold our old snowmobile.
Just another boring day for me, except that I got out in the sunshine. And I won't have to race with the garbage man in the morning tomorrow, yay. Ok have yourselves a lovely evening.
Oh and our home-cooked meal last night? Frozen pizza, lol. What can I say.
So this is what I get to see when I look out my kitchen window. I've been wanting to get pictures of it all winter. Finally today I had the camera handy. I don't know what it's called, I keep thinking para-snow-surfing, but I'm sure that's not it. Anyways they have these kite/parachutes that pull them along on the snow on some sort of snowboards or something. They go really fast, they really whip. It looks like fun actually, too bad I'm so old and out of shape, I'd give it a try.So I just thought that was interesting. Looks like fun eh? We are also surrounded by groomed snowmobile trails. Too bad we sold our old snowmobile.
Just another boring day for me, except that I got out in the sunshine. And I won't have to race with the garbage man in the morning tomorrow, yay. Ok have yourselves a lovely evening.
We saw those and watched them for a while..JW was convinced that if he tried it it would care him away...I would have to agree ..
I've seen a few people do this here. I'd like to give it a try. And I agree it is fun to watch!
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