~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Friday, February 22, 2008

Safe And Sound At Home

Well we had quite a scare last night. You know how I told you that Mr. Man drove Little R to school yesterday? He didn't have an appointment and the Vice Principal was busy so he never got in to see him. I think they exchanged emails later in the day. Come 3:00 when Little R should be getting home, no Little R. Sometimes she will stay in town with her friends and then call Mr. Man to pick her up on his way home. So I wasn't too alarmed. But by the time he got home there was still no call. Then he gets the automated call from the school that she had skipped all day. Then he tells me that in the morning she had threatened to run away. Now I'm upset. Mr. Man drove back to town to look for her. He drove all over looking at all the places she might be hanging out with friends. He even walked through the mall. Plus SW was in town keeping an eye out for her. Nothing. By 11 p.m we were ready to call the police. We didn't know what else to do. We had called a couple of her friends and got nothing. So we drove into town to the police station. We told them what had happened with school and whatnot, gave them a list of a few of her friends names and a school picture of her along with her description. They basically sent us home to wait. By now I'm getting frantic. We were pretty sure she was just hiding out at a friends house, but there's still that small chance that something is wrong. I guess it was around 1 a.m when they finally called to say she was at the police station and she wants to come home. So off we went to pick her up. We were so relieved that she was ok. She was upset. And since we were all up til about 3 she is home from school today. She's not talking. We were right, she was at a friends house. They had convinced the parents that she had no way of getting home and had to stay.

So now she's home and she won't talk to me about it. I don't know what she's so upset about. I pulled the same kind of crap when I was 14 too. The cop we were dealing with had lots to say about how normal this is. I just wish she would talk to me. After all I am not the enemy here. She's going through 14 year old angst. When I asked her why she skipped school again she said she doesn't know. And I believe her. So that's how I'll be spending my day, trying to communicate with Little R. Trying to find out what her problem is. And letting her know just how much I love her.

Somewhat of a happy ending, in that she's home safe. Wish me luck. Have a great day.


Blogger JEWELGIRL said...

This is so scary - my heart
would be pumping, and I'd be losing
it! As a Mom, these days the world can be a scary place for your
daughter to be in. I am glad to know she is safe, I hope you can
find a way to talk, it's the
best way to find out whats going
on before it is too late! HUGS!

12:17 AM  

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