My Show And Tell
Good morning. It's Monday, but it feels like Sunday. It's Family Day. Mr. Man's favourite pastime on weekends is napping. Because I am home all the time I can nap any time. I would prefer to spend my weekend time with him. Sadly he would prefer to sleep. I feel that we wasted last night by him going to bed earlier than me. It's like a second Saturday night when it's a long weekend. Oh well, here I am, I'm the only one up. Not sure what the weather is like, it looks cold out. I think the rain has stopped and I don't see any snow. That's a good thing.

There is a blog I've started reading where she does this Show and Tell thing every Friday. I'm too shy to join in, but I may some day. So I thought I would just do my own little Show and Tell. I'm going to show you some of my collection of snow art. Some of the pictures aren't the best, I took them in a hurry and with poor lighting. They are all hanging on the walls throughout my house. Some were bought at auctions and yard sales, some were gifts. Many of them were bought for me by Mr. Man.
This first painting hangs in my familyroom. We bought it at an auction. Mr. Man has been researching it thinking it is old and maybe worth money. He hasn't had much luck with his research. It is signed "Winslow".
This next one is titled "Snow Barrel" and is by a local artist, Jack Reid. It is a signed and numbered print. We got this one at an auction also. It needs a new frame, the glass is cracked and I don't like the matte. It also hangs in my familyroom. Pardon the glare from the camera flash.
I'm not sure where I got this next one, it was either an auction or a yard sale. It looks to be a hand made tray. It is a wood burning picture. It also hangs in my familyroom. Not sure if it's a snow picture, but it looks like it to me.
This next one Mr. Man and I saw it in a furniture store and I just had to have it. So we bought it. It hangs up in my diningroom. Pardon the blurry photo.
The next one is by Robert Bateman, titled "Kingfisher". Robert Bateman does all nature and animal paintings. There is actually a Kingfisher bird in this picture. It was given to me by my friend SP. It hangs in my livingroom.
Next is a signed and numbered print I'm not sure who the artist is and I'm too lazy to go upstairs to check. Mr. Man just surprised me with this one, brought it home for me out of the blue. I guess he saw it and knew I would love it, so he bought it. It also hangs in my livingroom.
Next is one I've had for years, don't remember where we got it, but I do remember that we bought it. I kind of think it was a little art store in a mall. Not sure of the artist, something Campbell I believe. It hangs in my livingroom.
And saving the best for last, I absolutely fell in love with this one when I saw it and had to have it. So Mr. Man gave it to me for Christmas a couple of years ago. I'm not sure if its a painting or a print or what, but I just love it. It hangs in my diningroom.
So there you have it, most of my collection of snow art. Some of the photos aren't the best because of poor lighting and weird angles and they were taken in a bit of a rush. But you get the idea. Blogger gave me a hell of a time uploading them too, it took twice as long as it should have because I had to keep redoing it.
While in the middle of creating this entry Mr. Man woke up and has been distracting me. I also looked outside to see that it has in fact started snowing. I had a feeling it would. As you can guess, I do love snow. But being buried in it and being cold all the time, I've had enough for this year. I'm ready for spring.
Have a great Family Day. Thank you for checking out my Show and Tell.
Labels: show and tell
I love the snow art! We don't get much snow if any here in NC. So, I love to see it!
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