Yippee, It's Friday!

Above is the picture they use on the website where I check my weather forecast. They're calling for more snow. It looks like it snowed all night again last night. It's snowing now. It's supposed to continue snowing. I can't deal with any more snow. I've had enough. I wish I had the means to travel to somwhere sunny and warm. A tropical vacation is what I need. I may have to settle for using my minutes at the tanning salon. I haven't gone yet this winter. I only went once last winter. Now that is just something else I could do if I had my car. Mr. Man has been using my car again all this week. Hopefully the weather will let up long enough at some point this weekend for him to fix the truck.
There is a dance at Little R's school tonight. That means we have to drive her there and then pick her up again. Hopefully the roads won't be too bad. This is her first high school dance. A nieghbour wanted her to babysit but she declined due to the dance. We should get report cards today. She has 4 completely new subjects for the second semester. So far so good. She's doing her homework and going to classes. I don't know where she got the notion that skipping classes would be a good idea. But it looks like she did indeed learn her lesson. Todays report cards will tell all.
I mentioned to Mr. Man that one of the blogs I read is someone in England and they have flowers blooming already. He said "seems to me you said the same thing at the same time last year". I didn't realize I've been reading it that long. And what a good memory Mr. Man has. There was one year I tried growing a bunch of flowers from seeds, starting them in styrofoam cups in the house. It didn't work out. Some of them did sprout but then proceeded to shrivel up and die. I just can't wait to get out in my gardens. Besides sitting at the computer and taking photographs, mucking around in my gardens is one of my favourite pastimes. I still want to rearrange things, I never did do that last year. I started digging a new garden to transplant things to but I never finished it and nothing got moved. We didn't plant anything in our little vegetable garden last year. This is the time of year that I start all my planning. And itching to get out there.
I think I'll start a jigsaw puzzle today. We bought a 2000 piece puzzle at a yard sale. I'm just going to assume all the pieces are there. I used to do puzzles a lot. I have quite a collection of puzzles. I find it to be a very relaxing winter pastime. But 1000 pieces is the biggest I've ever done so this should be a challenge. Wish me luck.
Well I'm going to eat some bonbons. Have a fabulous day. It's Friday! Yippee!
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