Garden Surprises
There was a couple of garden surprises today. The weather has been great. I could stand it to be a little warmer but that's just me. Little R seems to have turned a new leaf, she wants to be a good girl now. She's going to her classes and doing well. She's coming straight home from school. She's a different person. The old Little R is back.

Then there is the first daffodil to bloom. It looks kind of silly all by itself. At first I thought it was just a piece of garbage blown into my garden, but upon further inspection I found the first daffodil to bloom.

Well the first thing I saw when I walked outside today was my hyacinths in bloom. They smell heavenly. They have multiplied too. Insert picture here. It seems Blogger isn't going to let me add pictures. I'll add them later when the bug is fixed, sigh.
Then there is the first daffodil to bloom. It looks kind of silly all by itself. At first I thought it was just a piece of garbage blown into my garden, but upon further inspection I found the first daffodil to bloom.
Then there is this purple flower. I remember buying it, I remember planting it, I remember what I planted beside it, but for the life of me I can't remember what it is. But it's in bloom. And I have pictures. If it didn't bloom I would have forgotten all about it, poor thing. Beside it I planted Periwinkle. I have no idea how Periwinkle grows. It seems kind of viney. The purple thing is very short and it's a round ball of tiny flowers. I wonder if I kept the tag from it. I usually do keep the tags.
The gardens and yard are a mess. I just can't bring myself to get out there cleaning it up. Much like the inside of the house. I find it hard to leave the house at all most days. I pass my days by sleeping as much as possible. I'm reading a Catherine Cookson book and not really into it. I have another appointment with the therapist this week. I look forward to that because I'm thinking she can help me. I really don't want to be depressed. It's not a choice. It sure is hard, well impossible, to feel like things are looking up. To me things are looking grim.
I'm glad it's finally spring. I'm glad Little R is trying to be good. But what else is going on just overshadows all. And as you can see Blogger finally let me upload pictures. So if anyone knows what that purple thing is please let me know. I'm off to be depressed and await the highlight of my day, going to Timmys for coffee with Mr. Man.
Happy Spring! Your flowers are beautiful, they are so fun to watch bloom!
Lovely flowers! I don't know the purple flower. I'm not very good with flower names myself. Sorry to hear you are depressed.
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