I got Mr. Man up and he loaded the software for my camera. I got all the photos off my camera, going back a couple of years. But I lost all photos from before that. So I'm going to post a couple from our visit to Lake Erie.

I did take more pictures but Blogger is being a pain with uploading them this morning, so that's it. Have a great day.
This weather has got to go. We haven't had summer yet. Today is cloudy and it feels cool, but I don't know if that's just because I'm up on the 6th floor getting a breeze or what. I sure hope it's going to get sunny and hot soon, before summer is over. I'm still white as a potato. I got a bit of colour on my face this weekend, but that could also just be windburn. We weren't there long before I put on a coat and jeans.
Little R continues to act like nothing happened. My money collection is gone forever. I collected for years and years. She is never going to learn with no consequences. But what exactly are we supposed to do? She's going to be 16 in a few days. She may just get kicked out for her birthday. I was planning to take her and a friend to Canada's Wonderland for her birthday, she's never even been there, but she wasn't eager to do that. Suddenly she doesn't really like rides. She didn't have a birthday celebration last year, for the first time in her life. Not with what was going on then. It's looking like there won't be a celebration this year either.
We're sort of like empty nesters. Little R is pretty self sufficient. The dog is my baby now. I'm not liking it. I miss having little kids around. My days feel so pointless now. Walking the dog is my big responsibility. I'm thinking once Little R is out of the house and we don't need to worry every time we go out, it will get better. The dog is getting old. I'm sure he only has a few more years in him. We've been taking him with us a lot because we don't like leaving him alone in an apartment. It was different at the house, he could go downstairs to keep cool, he could wander around. He's pretty cooped up here. With all the stunts Little R pulls, I am looking forward to truly being an empty nester.
I can't stand living here. The constant noise is driving me mental. Not noise in the building, but outside noise. I think I can deal with it for a year, not that I have much of a choice. But as soon as our lease is up I'm looking for a house in the country.
I've been going with Mr. Man on his marathon dog walks. It's getting easier. And I'm almost ready to take Bear out on the streets myself. As long as we don't run into any other male dogs we'll be fine. Even though I have lost weight, I could stand to lose more. Me and the dog are both out of shape. I look forward to SW getting back from out west, we can walk together. She's gone til the end of the month, sigh.
I've completely lost interest in unpacking. I still haven't unpacked my china. There's about 15 boxes to unpack still. It'll be like Christmas lol. Mr. Man hung a couple of pictures on the weekend, so it feels a little homier. Still haven't set up the other desktop computer either. We have the big ass desk sitting here taking up precious space, but no second computer on it. Now I'm thinking we really don't even need the second computer or the big ass desk. Time to sell it? I think so. We have countless more pictures to hang, not enough walls probably.
Ok, due to the fact that I have no life these days, I have nothing else to say. Here's a couple of pics from our weekend visit to my old friend at Lake Erie... me and Mr. Man...

My friend and her brother whom I've known since I was a very little kid. I hadn't seen her brother in 15 years.
My friends cute little house.
And this isn't the best picture to show just how rough the water was. The wind was just unreal and the water was really rough.
I did take more pictures but Blogger is being a pain with uploading them this morning, so that's it. Have a great day.
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