~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wednesday's Not So Wise Words

It's strange waking up alone. For the longest time, like years, Mr. Man slept on the couch because I simply could not sleep beside him. With all his snoring and mumbling and tossing and turning, he was never quiet or still. Lately, like the last few months, he's come back to the marital bed. Hey I'm not going to turn away the body heat. And with my sleep aids I am able to sleep. I think I've been taking my sleep aids too late. I sleep right through the alarm clock. I wake up and Mr. Man is gone. I don't like that. Like I put up with him all night long and he can't even have the decency to be there when I wake up. I don't wake up when he gets up, it must be the sleep aids. I need to take them earlier in the evening. It's a nice sense of security having him beside me again. And the body heat is awesome. In spite of all his noise and carrying on I think I sleep better with him there. Then again it could just be the sleep aids. This morning was one of those days, he was already gone to work when I woke up. It's strange to start my day without him.

We've had no tv for days because the satellite has been down. Yesterday out of pure boredom I went to bed to read and get warm and inevitably fell asleep. I woke up at noon to Mr. Man coming home and waking me up. He had an appointment with a doctor for some testing to do with the lawsuit, but that wasn't until later. He wanted to go do our taxes. So I got up, he made me a coffee, and I had a quick shower. We went to do our taxes. It was so fast you wouldn't believe it. We were in and out in half an hour, and left with a cheque for our refund. Sweet. Afterwards we went across the street to the Thrift Store. We should have brought stuff to drop off but forgot it. So we just browsed around. I got 3 books and a jigsaw puzzle, all for $2. The puzzle is more manageable than that 3000 piece beast I've got sitting out waiting to be done, this one only has 500 pieces. I find the 1000 piece ones to be the best. After rolling up the rim on my Tim Hortons coffee, to find "play again", he dropped me off back at home and headed off to his appointment.

It was supposed to snow all day. It snowed but it was very light and mixed with rain at times. So it didn't accumulate. That's a very good sign that spring is on its way.

Mr. Man got another call from Little R's school. She hadn't skipped any classes this time, it was to set up a meeting with the Vice Principal. So we are going to see her Friday morning. I mistakenly thought the Vice Principal was a man, nope she's a woman. Little R doesn't know about this meeting, we're going to spring it on her at the last minute. Little R told me she was called down to see another counsellor yesterday, they discussed credit recovery. I guess she needs to recover the credit she didn't get in the first semester. Oh well, we'll find out what that's about on Friday.

I've been racking my brain trying to come up with this Fridays Show and Tell. I don't know what I'll use. I can't think of anything I'd like to show and tell. I had fun last week doing it and look forward to doing it again this week. I'm sure I'll come up with something. Before I actually joined this show and tell I had no problem finding things to take pictures of and talk about. Now suddenly I'm having a problem coming up with something. Sigh. It's kind of like with this blog. As long as I think there's really no one reading it, I can blather on about anything. But as soon as I know people are reading it I get stumped. After doing one show and tell, I'm stumped.

I really don't get out enough. Mr. Man is still using my car, the truck still isn't fixed. All we need is some decent weather on a weekend for Mr. Man to change the fan belt. I use the word really, a lot, don't I?

I think we have tv again. I may catch up on my soaps today. As well as look around for something to show and tell. That's my plans for today. I'm almost caught up on the laundry, so I might try to get that finished today as well. Last weekend a lady from Freecycle was supposed to pick up a bag of purses and whatnot. First she was coming Saturday, she didn't make it. She emailed me and said she would come Sunday after church. She didn't show up. To save her from having to trudge through the snow and ice up to the front door, Mr. Man tied the bag onto the back of the truck and I wrote Freecycle on it. It's still hanging there. That's one thing we could have taken to the Thrift Store yesterday. I don't know why it is some people say they want stuff and say they will pick it up then don't show up. It's frustrating. I've got quite a lot of stuff posted on Freecycle and no takers. That's frustrating. It's good stuff. Yet people will take the strangest things.

Well, I'm off to start my day. Have a lovely day.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is little R going to Friday's meeting too? No point in springing it on her, that's only goin to make her upset and probably very defensive. She should have time to think it over and realize what the situation has come to. I hated it when you guys sprung stuff on me which happened ALL the time. It felt very unfair and deceitful. It's not like she will have any excuses or alibis if you give her a day's warning. She needs time to mentally prepare herself too.

12:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I could trust her not to RUN away before the meeting I would gladly share our plan,unfortunately I cannot guarantee her reaction. Seeing her behavior has been quite random and very negative,we will have to do it this way.Sorry Big R.Your life was much different to deal with cause you were just soooo angelic.

3:41 PM  
Blogger Char said...

My first reaction was to tell her. It was Mr. Mans suggestion not to and I thought he had a point, she may run away again to avoid it or protest it. And guess what, she doesn't know about it, and here it is 5 p.m and she hasn't come home from school yet. She should have been home at 3. The girl is out of control.

5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would agree with Big R ...she may not like any way but maybe she will feel less like she is being ambushed ....

And you always talk about all these dishes you have about showing of the different patterns

5:38 PM  

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