~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Monday, January 28, 2008

Oh The Fresh Air

Well here it is Sunday night again, (technically it's Monday morning). The weekends go by far too quickly. The good news is, the truck is running, we drove it to town today. The bad news is, we found another gas leak. Mr. Man has Monday off work for doctor appointments, but when he takes the truck to work he can fix it there. So, I have my car again! Yahoo! We had to shovel the driveway today so that we could get both vehicles out. Since our snowblower is now trash, a neighbour had snowblowed for us, but he only did the part behind the car, so there was the other half of the driveway for us to do today.

Yes I actually got dressed and went outside of the house. I took the dogs for a walk Saturday and Sunday. I helped Mr. Man shovel the driveway. And I went to town with him. We actually went to town twice. In the truck we got gas and then went to Dollarama and then discovered the leak, so we came home before finishing our errands. We went back to town in the car to pick up some stuff from a Freecycler and do grocery shopping.

I gave Mr. Man a GPS for Christmas. It is an amazing little thing. It came in handy today when we went to pick up some clothes from a Freecycler. We weren't sure where the street in Orangeville was but the GPS took us right to it. No more wandering around, wasting gas, looking for places we're not sure about. It was a good score too. I got several pairs of jeans and a couple of tops for Little R, and it all fits. We took her shopping for jeans last weekend and only found one pair. Now she's all set. I love when a Freecycle experience goes well.

After dinner, bacon and eggs that Mr. Man cooked, I went to lay down for a bit. I asked him to get me up in an hour. Well he tried. I just couldn't get up, must have been all that fresh air today. Then I woke up with a start at 1 am. And I was wide awake, there was no going back to sleep. So here I am.

I'm glad the truck is back on the road and I have my car back, I only hope it lasts. And we still have a ton of Christmas stuff laying around the house waiting to be put away. Maybe tomorrow after Mr. Mans appointments we can get on with that. I posted a couple of items on Freecycle tonight, which I had been hanging on to for a yard sale. Forget it, I just want to get rid of them.

I didn't put the garbage out tonight, so that means the race with the garbage man in the morning. I hope I feel up to it lol. Have a great night/day.

P.S I tried to upload a photo but Blogger wasn't co-operating. Oh well maybe tomorrow.


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