~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Monday, July 13, 2009

Our Weekend

How was your weekend? Mine was ok. This weekend was the Founders Fair here in town. We've never gone to it before. Saturday evening we walked the dog down to it. They close off the main street through town and have a big fair. There's street entertainment. We spent most of our time just at the bottom of our street. There was vendors, street entertainers, midway stuff, rides and a stage at either end. We had a stage at the end of the street. There was bands playing on the stages. We liked the one by our street. We watched them for a while then walked down to Timmys for a coffee and came back to watch the jugglers. They did all kinds of cool tricks. We walked around a bit more then came back for the jugglers to perform with fire. It was very cool. I took a bunch of pictures but they didn't turn out. We were there for about 4 hours. It had been a beautiful day, but once it got dark it got damn cold. I was glad I brought a jacket. When Mr. Man got cold and wanted to go home we left. The dog did not want to leave. We had to drag him away. We got home around 11, it was great free entertainment.

We had been invited to a pig roast party at our old nieghbours place but decided we really shouldn't go. It would have just felt a little awkward partying with all our old nieghbours. We don't live in paradise any more.

No, we live in town now. Where a woman got stabbed Saturday sometime, right around the corner from our place. She is in critical but stable condition at a hospital in Toronto. Jeez. The guy took her car, so the police are looking for that. I just hope she recovers and they find the guy. It happened way too close to home. One year is all I have to spend here.

Sunday was spent just hanging around home doing nothing. S & D went away for the weekend so we couldn't go there to work on the bike. We didn't do any unpacking. We watched a couple of movies. It was a lazy day. We took the dog for a walk and went by the crime scene, the police were still there and had it all roped off. Stuff like that just doesn't happen in this town.

It was Little Rs 16th birthday last Thursday. She didn't want to go to Wonderland. With the way she's been behaving we didn't feel we should be getting her gifts etc. All she got was a cake. I don't think she expected much more than that anyways. Back in the day I wanted to throw her a huge Sweet 16 bash. But for the past year and a half she's done nothing to earn it. Hopefully she'll straighten out soon. We're just waiting for her SIN to come in the mail so she can get a job. But we don't know for sure if she actually went to get it or just spent the money. Time will tell.

Big R will be here on the 16th. She wants us all to go to the Mandarin. She's coming up just for the weekend for a wedding. Going to the Mandarin is all we'll see of her. She's getting pretty settled in PEI. It doesn't look like she'll be moving back here any time soon.

Friday my computer died and I couldn't get it going all day. Mr. Man comes home, smacks it a couple of times and it works. Gawd. I'm missing a lot of photos on it though. Like I open an album and there should be about 20 pictures there but there's only 3. So I don't know what's going on. I didn't know what to do with myself on Friday. I mostly watched tv. When we have the extra money we're going to put the computer in the shop to have it fixed and maybe they can retreive my photos too.

I hope the weather is going to get nicer soon. This is ridiculous. It's only 20 when it should be 30. We had a little thunderstorm on Saturday morning. Was it ever dark out. After not much of a storm it passed and brightened right up. So far today seems sunny. I'm still white as a ghost.

There's going to be a protest at the park at the end of our street. They are protesting Bill C-15. It's someting about making possession of small amounts of marijuana a big crime. We'll be going to that. I don't know too much about it yet, I just found out about it on the weekend. I think marijuana should be legalized. Not have stricter laws.

Well I need to start my day. I'll leave you with a picture of me and Mr. Man sitting on a bench dowtown enjoying the band. Mr. Man took this with his phone camera.


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