~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Monday, January 03, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! 2010 was pretty darn uneventful. We saw more of Mr. Man's family but we hardly saw our friends at all. I've become somewhat of a hermit. I rarely go out without Mr. Man. We've been kind of living in limbo, wanting to move, but not wanting to go through all the trouble of moving. Birthdays were barely even celebrated in 2010.
I think the biggest thing that happened was the murder in Orangeville. The paranoia from that has been intense. Then a couple of months later a woman was attacked in her home and left for dead near Orangeville. It's been difficult to accept that these things are happening so close to home. Thanks to Little R we've had several dealings with the local police. I have little faith in them any more.
2010 was the year we got 5 out of 7 numbers in the lottery. But really, big deal. $1100 is hardly life changing. Mr. Man has excelled at his job. He's been promoted. It's a great place to work. They really treat their employees well.
I don't really have high hopes for 2011. I think it will be much the same as last year. For things to be different I have to make some changes. Now that the apartment is cleaned up for the holidays, I plan on keeping it cleaned up. I'm not going out alone until they catch the killer. We can't get another dog as long as we live here. We're going to be more active in trying to help Little R get her life together. I'd like to spend more time with friends this year.
The holidays were good. Christmas was nice and quiet. We went to visit my dad on the 25th. On Boxing Day we cooked a turkey dinner for some of Mr. Man's family. They are the opposite of my family and the noise level in here from the minute they arrived until the minute they left was just unreal. I was surprised the nieghbours didn't complain. We all had a great time. Then on the 27th Little R went out for coffee and didn't come home. She is out on bail and one of her conditions is a 9 p.m curfew. She had been really good about being in before her curfew until this day. So around 10 p.m I contacted the friend she was meeting for coffee who told me Little R never showed up. I told my husband I had a really bad feeling. Around 10:30 we called the cops. She didn't come home all night. The next day the cops decided to put it in the news. It was in the paper and on tv. This made it more real and I got very upset. Everyone was thinking the same thing, that maybe she ran into the killer. It was a horrendus two days. She came home late at night on the 28th. She had no explanation. She wouldn't tell anyone anything. I will say she came home in rough shape. Because she had broken her bail conditions she spent the night in jail. On the 29th we went to court to bail her out again. That whole thing really put a damper on the holidays. We were supposed to go to a party for New Years, but because of all this we just stayed home. Today is Mr. Man's last day off, back to work tomorrow. He didn't get much rest and he really needed it. He doesn't usually take a summer holiday, but maybe this year he should.
So yeah, I welcome 2011, I hope it is a better year for us. Happy New Year, now back to work!


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