~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Friday, May 21, 2010

May 24 Is Here, Finally

Yeah I know, it's been a while. I've been seriously considering deleting this blog and starting a new one. Or I may just leave this one and start a new one. Don't worry, those of you I know who like to read this will be informed of the new site.

Well where to begin. There's been plenty going on. There was a big drama with Little R which I won't go into and the final outcome of that was that she now lives with her boyfriends parents. It's been a couple of weeks and it seems to be working out. I missed her terribly at first but she has been coming to see me quite frequently so I'm ok. The most amazing thing is, she went back to school! I've never seen her so happy and positive. And she looks great. She looks healthy. She's gaining a little weight which is great because she was too skinny. That awful hair dye is washing out and her hair is more its natural colour again. She's wearing her make up like a human. She's dressing like a human. I am so happy. Let's hope it lasts. She says she's committed to school, going to summer school even. She's definately back on the right track.

And in other news, Mr. Man and I went down to the city to visit my family. We were just planning a quick, have a coffee, hit and run type visit but we were coerced into staying tor a barbecue dinner. Got in some quality time with my great niece. I don't think we got any pictures though. It's really getting hard to have quality time with my dad. He has less of a life than I do at times. He probably does get out more than I do though. I just don't know what to talk to him about these days cause well my life is the shits right now. I'm not gonna sit there and drown him in my troubles. Plus with him losring his sight and hearing, it's just not easy any more.

We finally got to have a bonfire up at S & Ds. Mr. Man supplies them with bonfire wood from his work so it all works out great. We finally had the weather for it. Some bad news though. These wonderful, hard working folks had their house broken into. Yup, someone just kicked in their front door when no one was home and cleaned them out. They have since installed a gate at the end of their driveway and some sort of video suveillance. That was pretty traumatic all around.

Mother's Day was fine. I had a nice peaceful day with Mr. Man. Both my girls called me and that made my day. The next day Mr. Man brought me roses and was very sweet all week. Little R brought me a card and a Tim Hortons coffee. I was happy with that.

It was funny, Mr. Man asked me to make up some lottery numbers for him to play. Within a couple of weeks we got 5 numbers on one of my picks. Five out of six numbers! You'd think that would win pretty large eh? Not so much. We got $1100 for that. What a bummer. Yeah it was a bonus, but jeez, I think 5 numbers should be worth a lot more than that. So now he won't use that number again, though I think he should, and he had me make up new numbers. So S.W was kind enough to drive me down to Younge and Dundas in Toronto to pick up our prize.

Well it's finally here, it's the May 24 weekend. Big surprise the bike isn't done. I didn't really expect it to be. But I do have faith that it will be done before the season is over. As for plans for this weekend, well T is coming to spend the weekend with us. Hoping to attend a bonfire at least. It's times like this I really miss the cottage.

So things have been pretty up and down. The weather this week has been good, hopefully the weekend will remain nice. I'm continuing to look for somewhere to move to, nothing suitable has come up yet. I'm continuing to go out for walks more but still not as much as I should. And that's about it. I don't know if I'll post on here ever again or not. I'm leaning towards a new blog. Have a great weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep the blog! I thoroughly enjoy reading it. How else would I stay in touch?lol
Congrats on the big win! Hope you bought yourself something nice.

3:23 PM  

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