~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

It's Summer!

Ok so basically so far I'm just too lazy to start a new blog. For one thing I can't even think up a new name for it. It all just seems like too much work. So here I am.

The weather has been fantastic. Hot summer like days all week. Including last weekend, the long weekend. T changed his mind on Friday and didn't come. We had no plans. Being empty nesters now we just jumped in the car and took off. Saturday we drove up to Wasaga Beach just to check things out and see what's new. We haven't been there in a few years, certainly not since the fire that wiped half of it out. So we drove around, had a look at our old cottage. It was surprisingly dead up there, not many people at all. I heard later that the rest of the weekend it was packed. When we had the cottage there, on a long weekend, sometimes just to go to the beer store, which should take 20 minutes could take like 3 hours because of the gridlock. So from there we decided to go a little north and see if our friends Mike and Sue were at their trailer. We got there just before dark and Mike was just leaving his trailer as we pulled up. He was surprised to see us since it had been about 2 years since we last saw him. So we partied there all night and spent the night. Sue was at home, long story there but she doesn't go to the trailer much any more. But they only live a few minutes away from the trailer. So we went to their house to get Sue on Sunday and we all went out for breakfast. They took us for a tour of Orillia. Then we spent the day at their house just chatting. Once we left there we went to buy smokes up by Casino Rama. Then it was time to head back to town for a bonfire at S & Ds place. That was fun as always. There was a few people there and they had fireworks. On the holiday Monday we just drove around looking for yard sales and stuff. I bought my flowers for my balcony planters and we got a barbecue. We've been having a barbecue for dinner ever since. The weather couldn't have been nicer, it was a good weekend.

The weather continued to be fantastic all week. Little R visited me every day after school. Of course it was a short week and now it's the weekend again. I live for the weekends lol. We didn't do anything yesterday. Last night we went to visit and have a beer with SW. Haven't seen her in ages except when she drove me downtown to pick up my lottery cheque. We missed a ton of yard sales yesterday. I imagine today will be a lazy day. Mr. Man is on a new medication and he's not feeling too well. It has side effects.

I'm continuing to look for a new place. I really can't stand living here. What I'm hoping to find is an $800 or $900 farmhouse which do come up occasionally. Mr. Man does not look forward to moving again. But if I find the right place we're doing it. This was supposed to be temporary. We still haven't fully unpacked. It's crazy. I'll just never feel at home here. I must admit I thought it would be easier than this to find a place.

Well Mr. Man just got up and he informed me that we'll be spending the day cleaning. Oh the joy. So have a great Sunday!


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