~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Thursday, July 27, 2006

I Need A Nap

There I was at 1:30 a.m trying to get Bear into the bathtub. I ended up bribing him with "Snausages" and had to lift his back legs in for him. I had let him out before going to bed. As he sometimes does, he took off. When he came back I watched him rolling around on the grass for quite some time. It was unusual for him to do that at night and for so long. As soon as I opened the door to call him in, I understood. The smell hit me. He had been sprayed by a skunk!
The house still reeks today. He smells fresh as a daisy exept for his face where I couldn't wash him last night. It seems anywhere he walked before his bath got the smell on it.
I'm tired today.
Until later...


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