Bring On The Heavenly Peace, Love And Joy
Good morning...
What a day I had! I was so full of energy! It's been decades since I felt like that. I felt renewed.
I really, really missed Little R. She had a grand time with her big sister. They went shopping. She came home with 2 bags full of clothes, some new stuff (from "real" stores), and some hand-me-downs.
I was all over the place. I laughably did not know what to do with myself, for real. I was in every room, "puttering", I had brilliant ideas coming out my ying-yang, as if I would remember any of them at a later time. I had the tunes blasting, tunes compliments of Big R, the kind of music you hear coming from little tweeked out Honda Civics, the kind of music that, when coming from little tweeked out Honda Civics, the bass makes the road vibrate. I was dancing!! Um, thats great, except for the fact that I DON'T DANCE. I don't know how to dance, I have no rhythm whatsoever. So, more accurately, I was attempting to dance. I almost didn't hear the kid knocking on the door, must have heard it between songs. The kid obviously believed Little R to be home, since obviously I certainly wouldn't be the one in here listening to heavy decibels of Gorillaz.
I had it all figured out, I thought of the PERFECT birthday present for Hubby, he is an Aquarius, born in February, so it's coming up, and damned if I could remember what it was a couple of hours later.
I even spent some time outside with Bear, filled my bird feeders, "puttered" in the garage for a bit. Eeeewwww, there was critters in there! I could hear them scurrying and skittering, and I kept telling them to just leave, but they chose to stay and hide, and every time I moved, they moved, eeeeewwwwww. Brought out a box of books that was in there, (and I had completey forgotten was in there, I'm tellin ya, when you're senile, or insane, every day is like Christmas morning!), and in this box were a lot of weight loss type books, and a set of Golden Book Encyclopedias, get this, from 1960! Talk about low tech stuff.
The satellite was down all day, so I couldn't even watch soaps or anything. I tried to do a million things at once, by 3 p.m I was crashing. I got sooooo tuckered out. I had big plans, big ideas, and I did get a little bit done. I was right though, I did have a great day.
Then it got really dark outside, which helped the sleepy effect, I dozed on the couch for an hour, and then it started snowing, finally. We may just have a white New Year after all. What a difference in the weather from last year. I do not like green Christmases.
I got an email from my nephew, which was totally awesome. The nephew who moved his family down east this year. He has a website for his business and everything! We hadn't really been in touch for a while, after a couple of years of getting together and reconnecting, I heard they were considering moving and the next thing I heard was they had moved. I didn't have an address or anything until I received a Christmas card from them. Apparently the move was slightly abrupt and they didn't have much time for good-byes. It sounds like things are going well for them and I am glad for that. I'm very glad to be back in touch with them too.
As you saw in the previously posted pictures, Hubby received a "Back Therapist" for Christmas, from Big R, thats what it's called, a "Homedics by Charlescraft, Back Therapist". Its a 5-motor seat massager, turns any seat into your own personal masseur, and it has heat too! Just strap it to a chair, plug it in, and go nuts. What an incredibly thoughtful gift. Poor Hubby and his back, man. I also have a photo of him putting me in the thing to test it out hehe. So he put it in his work truck, the guys at work use the truck for picking up parts and whatnot, but he says he won't be keeping it there because they were all abusing his Back Therapist, leaving it on and stuff. I wonder if its compatible with his Foot Spa...or if that would be like throwing a plugged-in, hair-dryer into a bath tub full of water...
Another one of Bears new toys bit the dust last night, the rope was turned into dental floss and he was gagging on it and had strings of it stuck in his teeth. "Robert" is still hanging in, still got a bit of stuffing in the head and tail ends, the middle is split wide open and gutted. He hasn't gone near his bed since I moved it upstairs out of the familyroom. Another thoughtful gift received was a book titled "Understanding Your Dog", I only read the first few pages so far, it seems like it will be quite informative and good to have around. I did learn from it that howling is a form of socializing or a sign of loneliness. So thats cool, when we get him to "sing" we are socializing, and I suppose that's why he's happy to do it. As far as I know, he doesn't howl when he's home alone, which isn't often anyways.
On New Years Day, SoapNet is showing all 10 episodes of Ugly Betty, peachy, now I can see all the ones I missed. That will run from 10 a.m til 8 p.m, guess I won't be doing much on January 1st.
One more day then Hubster will be home for another 4 day holiday. That should make today drag on, but I am hoping for that same energy I had yesterday so I can keep busy, get shit done, and pass the time quicker, until he gets home and we can enjoy some more heavenly peace, love and joy.
Well, enough of my chattering and blathering, have a fabulous day! I'll probably be back here posting sooner than later...

Don't I look impressed? Hubby is definately impressed. Very impressive, thoughtful and creative gifting Big R, good job, I'm so proud of you!
What a day I had! I was so full of energy! It's been decades since I felt like that. I felt renewed.
I really, really missed Little R. She had a grand time with her big sister. They went shopping. She came home with 2 bags full of clothes, some new stuff (from "real" stores), and some hand-me-downs.
I was all over the place. I laughably did not know what to do with myself, for real. I was in every room, "puttering", I had brilliant ideas coming out my ying-yang, as if I would remember any of them at a later time. I had the tunes blasting, tunes compliments of Big R, the kind of music you hear coming from little tweeked out Honda Civics, the kind of music that, when coming from little tweeked out Honda Civics, the bass makes the road vibrate. I was dancing!! Um, thats great, except for the fact that I DON'T DANCE. I don't know how to dance, I have no rhythm whatsoever. So, more accurately, I was attempting to dance. I almost didn't hear the kid knocking on the door, must have heard it between songs. The kid obviously believed Little R to be home, since obviously I certainly wouldn't be the one in here listening to heavy decibels of Gorillaz.
I had it all figured out, I thought of the PERFECT birthday present for Hubby, he is an Aquarius, born in February, so it's coming up, and damned if I could remember what it was a couple of hours later.
I even spent some time outside with Bear, filled my bird feeders, "puttered" in the garage for a bit. Eeeewwww, there was critters in there! I could hear them scurrying and skittering, and I kept telling them to just leave, but they chose to stay and hide, and every time I moved, they moved, eeeeewwwwww. Brought out a box of books that was in there, (and I had completey forgotten was in there, I'm tellin ya, when you're senile, or insane, every day is like Christmas morning!), and in this box were a lot of weight loss type books, and a set of Golden Book Encyclopedias, get this, from 1960! Talk about low tech stuff.
The satellite was down all day, so I couldn't even watch soaps or anything. I tried to do a million things at once, by 3 p.m I was crashing. I got sooooo tuckered out. I had big plans, big ideas, and I did get a little bit done. I was right though, I did have a great day.
Then it got really dark outside, which helped the sleepy effect, I dozed on the couch for an hour, and then it started snowing, finally. We may just have a white New Year after all. What a difference in the weather from last year. I do not like green Christmases.
I got an email from my nephew, which was totally awesome. The nephew who moved his family down east this year. He has a website for his business and everything! We hadn't really been in touch for a while, after a couple of years of getting together and reconnecting, I heard they were considering moving and the next thing I heard was they had moved. I didn't have an address or anything until I received a Christmas card from them. Apparently the move was slightly abrupt and they didn't have much time for good-byes. It sounds like things are going well for them and I am glad for that. I'm very glad to be back in touch with them too.
As you saw in the previously posted pictures, Hubby received a "Back Therapist" for Christmas, from Big R, thats what it's called, a "Homedics by Charlescraft, Back Therapist". Its a 5-motor seat massager, turns any seat into your own personal masseur, and it has heat too! Just strap it to a chair, plug it in, and go nuts. What an incredibly thoughtful gift. Poor Hubby and his back, man. I also have a photo of him putting me in the thing to test it out hehe. So he put it in his work truck, the guys at work use the truck for picking up parts and whatnot, but he says he won't be keeping it there because they were all abusing his Back Therapist, leaving it on and stuff. I wonder if its compatible with his Foot Spa...or if that would be like throwing a plugged-in, hair-dryer into a bath tub full of water...
Another one of Bears new toys bit the dust last night, the rope was turned into dental floss and he was gagging on it and had strings of it stuck in his teeth. "Robert" is still hanging in, still got a bit of stuffing in the head and tail ends, the middle is split wide open and gutted. He hasn't gone near his bed since I moved it upstairs out of the familyroom. Another thoughtful gift received was a book titled "Understanding Your Dog", I only read the first few pages so far, it seems like it will be quite informative and good to have around. I did learn from it that howling is a form of socializing or a sign of loneliness. So thats cool, when we get him to "sing" we are socializing, and I suppose that's why he's happy to do it. As far as I know, he doesn't howl when he's home alone, which isn't often anyways.
On New Years Day, SoapNet is showing all 10 episodes of Ugly Betty, peachy, now I can see all the ones I missed. That will run from 10 a.m til 8 p.m, guess I won't be doing much on January 1st.
One more day then Hubster will be home for another 4 day holiday. That should make today drag on, but I am hoping for that same energy I had yesterday so I can keep busy, get shit done, and pass the time quicker, until he gets home and we can enjoy some more heavenly peace, love and joy.
Well, enough of my chattering and blathering, have a fabulous day! I'll probably be back here posting sooner than later...
Don't I look impressed? Hubby is definately impressed. Very impressive, thoughtful and creative gifting Big R, good job, I'm so proud of you!
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