A Good Day
Good morning.
I'm feeling a little better this morning, so far. I got a little more sleep and am thinking that's why. Hopefully it will last throughout the day.

I'm feeling a little better this morning, so far. I got a little more sleep and am thinking that's why. Hopefully it will last throughout the day.
Looks like we'll be taking a brief trip down to the city this weekend. Little R is attending a birthday party held for one of my great-nieces, and her brother, one of my great-nephews. They've rented a roller rink for the ocassion. We plan on dropping Little R off, and spending the couple of hours visiting various family members while we're in the nieghbourhood.
I haven't been down that way myself since back in the early spring.
I just looked outside for the first time this morning, the dog hasn't even asked to go out yet, and the areas cleared by Hubby last night are now covered again. Seems to be flurrying now, and cold, like -10 cold. I believe we are expecting
another snowfall.
School is open.
Tonight is parent teacher interviews, report card time! Actually, Little R did very well, and we are quite proud of her as always. There is no school tomorrow, maybe I can put her to work around the house hehe.
For whatever reason, my guess is, the beginning of this months PMS torture, I had a really bad day yesterday. Was feeling quite trapped and lonely. Sadly my car isn't road worthy, and Hubby hasn't had the time nor energy to work on it. We sure don't have the money to put it in a shop and let someone else do the work. But the weekend is near, with Hubby here I will have a couple of days of relative freedom.
I received this in my email this morning, just felt like sharing lol.
Received my first Christmas card in the mail yesterday.
I do take photographs just about every day. But when I don't get away from home for a while the pictures become repetative. Since I have zero training in photography, many shots are useless. But I try. Hoping Blogger is going to let me upload them...here are a few odd shots taken over the past week or so.
The first one is a close up of the tall shrub next to my front door, just to prove there are in fact LED lights on it LOL...
This next one is just a stained glass (not really stained glass, but real glass) ornament that I hang in the kitchen window every year. Its very heavy, so the only place I trust putting it is on the curtain rod. Here you see it during a frosty winter sunrise.
I take lots of the dog too. He's pretty funny to watch, digging in the snow. He plays a game with himself where he tosses his toy into the snow, and then digs it out, thus tossing it behind himself. Then he spins around and pounces on it and does it all again.
But I'll post those pics some other time. It's time to start my day, though I've been up for 4 hours already.
Have a grand day!
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