Deck The Halls...Or Fences

And good afternoon.
Talked to my sister on the phone, seems my niece's situation is even more complicated, it now involves her thyroid, this can go either way, it can make things a little easier to fix, or it can make things more difficult. More tests pending.
And it sure would be nice to hear from Big R...
I told my sister she should get herself a computer for Christmas. I've been at her ever since we moved away to get one, she started out dead set against it, I've noticed lately her arguments haven't been as strong, even mentioned that to Hubby the other day, she seems to be almost warming up to the idea, sort of, almost, kinda, in a way. So today, her response was "I'm thinking about it."
I can't tell you how happy I was to hear that! I just can't afford the phone bills sometimes. We don't talk all that often, but when we do, it tends to be hour long conversations. I can't tell you how happy I would be to have a true sisterly relationship with my sister. Getting ahead of myself here, but maybe the two of us could then gang up on our other sister to get a computer too lol.
I know I go on about having no family, it's not that they don't exist, it's just that we aren't close. I always blame that on the age difference, I'm 45 and I'm the youngest. There's 14 years between me and the next sibling, which is the sister I am talking about. So she was 14 when I was born, think about it, she had no interest in me, and that seemed to carry on throughout my whole life. It seems as I get older I'm actually catching up. I've been noticing a lot of subtle changes in her lately and am having high hopes that she may take an interest.
As the morning progressed, I figured all that garland isn't going to get up and go hang itself on the fence, better get on with it. It was lightly snowing, I hauled all the stuff out back, the velcro, scissors, staple gun, a bag of bows and 2 big awkward bags of garland. I get half way along the fence, we're talking 80 feet of fence here, and the staple gun jams, ugh. I stop, look around and omg it's snowing heavily now. Here I am out in the ditch, my hands are numb, and I realise, with any amount of snow on this stuff, it isn't going to hold. Little staples aren't going to hold the velcro which is holding the garland. Better come up with a plan B. So I came in, made a coffee, took a break and thought about it. Ok, I'll use twine! I go back out with my roll of 100% jute twine and bingo-bango, great idea. Get to the last piece of garland and dammit if I don't have enough to reach the other end of the fence, I need one more garland lol. Back in the house, down to the basement, dig out an old one and voila, done. Well, except for the bows and whatnot.
Here's a pic I took as the snowfall was getting heavier, on one of my many trips back into the house.
You may notice the gray Walmart bags on the ground, by the fence. Notice anything else? Something missing perhaps? I didn't notice until I tripped over it.
Our freaking flagpole! with the big Canadian flag! is now laying on the ground, buried in snow! What the hell? Must have been blown down by the wind at some point. Have no idea when. I can't believe I didn't notice it missing LMAO.
Alas, like everything else the previous owners did around here, must have done a shabby job putting up the flagpole! Ah well, lol, it was in a lame spot anyways.
What you see in the picture is about half the length of the fence, thats about 40 feet. The garlands are 9 feet long, so the posts are 10 feet apart, and I know our lot is 80 something feet wide. The fence is falling apart, more for show than anything else. With the dog, I'd really like to get some real fencing up, but you can imagine the cost. If ever we have the funds, we'll be putting up a new fence.
So that's my day so far...until later then...
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