Village People
Good morning.
It's a regular winter wonderland out there this morning. Not a lot of snow, just enough for a nice white blanket. Looks like it just continued the light flurry snow all through the night.
On my personal website I have a link for the school bus cancellations. Try as I might, I couldn't find out if the buses were cancelled or not. The school board site wouldn't load. There is a snow squall warning in effect for Orangeville and Dufferin County, but not for Hillsburgh and Wellington County. It's so silly and confusing.
Technically, we're in Dufferin County, but we are closer to Hillsburgh than Orangeville, and Hillsburgh is in Wellington County. And frankly, we seem to have our very own little weather bubble. You're lucky to find us on a map never mind being listed on the weather websites. I mean, Hillsburgh is a really small town, they don't have enough people for a population sign either, but they are listed on the weather sites. I guess the thing is, Hillsburgh is actually a town, we're just a village. Oh gawd, doesn't that make me one of the village people!
Ugh, whaddaya want, I'm running on minimal sleep here lol.
Its normal around here, when out and about, that as soon as you pass a certain road, different roads in different areas, the weather is completely different than you just came out of. It really is bizarre.
Well, apparently the buses were running, the kids are all gone. So, unless a UFO landed and they were all abducted by aliens, the buses are running. That's good, I wasn't mentally prepared for a snow day just yet.
Hubby put up the fake tree, upstairs in the livingroom, and put the lights on it, last night. We were hoping to get a pre-lit job, but couldn't rationalize spending so much on a fake tree, for now. Its actually a little nicer than our old one, a little fuller, a little taller, a little fluffier. Then again that could be just because its new. After all the hoopla finding the stand, the real tree is still out in the garage. While out there yesterday, in the throes of the search, I think I figured out just how the garage gets in the condition it's in. I saw with my own eyes, just how Hubby does it. He just digs through the piles tossing everything over his shoulder, piling it on the other side of the room, back and forth it goes. He has shelves on two walls, the shelves are empty!
I beat the garbage man today, haha, I think the snow slows him down. Haven't mentioned the weekly race with him in a long time eh.

Well, I have a busy day ahead of me, have a good one!
It's a regular winter wonderland out there this morning. Not a lot of snow, just enough for a nice white blanket. Looks like it just continued the light flurry snow all through the night.
On my personal website I have a link for the school bus cancellations. Try as I might, I couldn't find out if the buses were cancelled or not. The school board site wouldn't load. There is a snow squall warning in effect for Orangeville and Dufferin County, but not for Hillsburgh and Wellington County. It's so silly and confusing.
Technically, we're in Dufferin County, but we are closer to Hillsburgh than Orangeville, and Hillsburgh is in Wellington County. And frankly, we seem to have our very own little weather bubble. You're lucky to find us on a map never mind being listed on the weather websites. I mean, Hillsburgh is a really small town, they don't have enough people for a population sign either, but they are listed on the weather sites. I guess the thing is, Hillsburgh is actually a town, we're just a village. Oh gawd, doesn't that make me one of the village people!
Ugh, whaddaya want, I'm running on minimal sleep here lol.
Its normal around here, when out and about, that as soon as you pass a certain road, different roads in different areas, the weather is completely different than you just came out of. It really is bizarre.
Well, apparently the buses were running, the kids are all gone. So, unless a UFO landed and they were all abducted by aliens, the buses are running. That's good, I wasn't mentally prepared for a snow day just yet.
Hubby put up the fake tree, upstairs in the livingroom, and put the lights on it, last night. We were hoping to get a pre-lit job, but couldn't rationalize spending so much on a fake tree, for now. Its actually a little nicer than our old one, a little fuller, a little taller, a little fluffier. Then again that could be just because its new. After all the hoopla finding the stand, the real tree is still out in the garage. While out there yesterday, in the throes of the search, I think I figured out just how the garage gets in the condition it's in. I saw with my own eyes, just how Hubby does it. He just digs through the piles tossing everything over his shoulder, piling it on the other side of the room, back and forth it goes. He has shelves on two walls, the shelves are empty!
I beat the garbage man today, haha, I think the snow slows him down. Haven't mentioned the weekly race with him in a long time eh.
And heres a pic I took the other day of the enormous wreath put up with great spirit in the pouring rain...
Well, I have a busy day ahead of me, have a good one!
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