The Heart Collector
Good afternoon.

As I was looking at the photo of the birch bark heart, I thought, I have a lot of hearts around my house. I collect many things. Not so long ago, I mentioned the rooster collection is getting old and I wanted to start collecting something different. I thought maybe pigs, because I've seen some really cute ones, and I wanted to get these pigs on Harleys for the garden that we'd seen at a bike shop, on their deck, but have since been unable to find to buy. They told us where they got them, but we haven't been in the area since. We have actively looked at every garden center we've come across since then, and it would seem there is only one place to get them. It's on the way to Port Dover even, but we haven't gone the last couple of Friday the 13ths. So today I realized I have a good start to a collection of hearts! Yay. I can collect pigs AND hearts. The only pigs I've seen, that I liked, have been for gardens. My sister has a cool one too, on her pool deck. (If anyone reading this is ever stuck for ideas of what to give me as a gift....I've been told by several people that I am hard to buy for! I don't think so...just remember all the things I collect!) Some day I'm going to need a seperate building just to hold all my collections! I can't help myself, I'm a collector, it drives me crazy at times, the clutter, but I continue to do it. I know I'm not alone, wealthy people have rooms, entire floors or wings, built, especially for their collections! I collect junk and crap, I don't need a climate controlled environment for my stuff lol, but, who knows what I might start to collect if I were wealthy. I'm sure Hubby would collect motorcycles for one thing, I'd probably collect something like jewels.
How many does it take to make a collection? If I have 2 of something, does that make it a collection? I'm sure I have more hearts, these are just the things I saw today walking through the house. I also have some heart Christmas tree ornaments. I'm sure there are other hearts which are just put away for now or still in boxes.
Among the above photos are a wreath, a candy dish, a shadow box, a Welsh love spoon, an oil burner, a heart-shaped knot on a log, a couple of plaques and the ceramic mold-like thing I recently acquired. I haven't even been to an auction in a couple of years! (Auctions on the brain 'cause S.W just bought a diningroom set at an auction this week lol). Some of my collections started or took shape from auctions. The last auction I went to was on a farm and it truly sucked. I mean even I have standards. Either we missed all the good stuff, as it had started before we got there, or these people were quite desperate.
So yeah, isn't it amazing how I can blather on about nothingness?!
Hearts???Pigs??? now I hear about these...geesh alright made a mental note for your
speaking of these things just remebered did you give the hubby the beef sticker??? Gonna have to come and look at this bark thing looks cool in the pics
Ciao for now
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