Shower Thoughts
Today was weird. One minute it was bright and sunny the next minute it was a whiteout blizzard. The whole day was like that. Early on it seemed like the storm had passed and everything was beginning to melt. Then this....

Late in the afternoon, Hubby and I headed into town. Ran some errands, did some banking, a little browsing in the tattoo parlor, bla bla bla. I've been craving Chinese food so we grabbed some to bring home for dinner. We went to a different place than usual, though Hubby swears we've gotten it from this place before, I don't think so. All through my meal I kept thinking about this thing I saw on TV recently about a KFC overrun with rats. Hmmmm. Hubby insisted the food was actually quite good. It was NASTY. Now we're all laying around feeling ILL. It didn't take him long after finishing to admit, "You were right honey. After I slowed down and actually tasted it, it wasn't that good. And I feel sick." Gawd. Never again.
Lucky J and her hubby are leaving this weekend for bike week in Daytona Beach Florida. Lucky lucky lucky. We've decided we're gonna prepare to go next year. We've never seriously considered it before, for several reasons. For one thing, Hubby needs to get a pardon to go to the States and now with the new security measures, it's not even a question, he HAS to. Also winter has never hit me so hard before. This year, it's killing me. Now that I know how inexpensive air fare is, woohoo, look out Florida! Only thing with flying down is, no bike. So we have a year to work on that. With the help of a lawyer, Hubby should be able to get a pardon in a year. We have a year to get a bike trailer, and rather than fly we can drive. Things to look forward to, yeah. So have a blast you guys!!
As I was in the shower today, a million thoughts were rambling through my brain. Like how I miss D & D and why we aren't friends any more. Yeah I miss all the partying and the constant companionship, but I don't miss the bullshit. Like every picture I have of them they are soooo lovey dovey. But the truth is they were only like that when they were drunk or for the purpose of photographs. Other than that they were always on the verge of scrapping. There was always this underlying tension. And they both had all these secrets which I had the pleasure of knowing about. I didn't want to know. But they both confided in me and it drove me nuts. So even though I do miss them ocassionally, I don't miss the bullshit one little bit. I'm better off without them.
Then I was thinking about Cathy Anonymous. Like why does she bother me so much? Why can't I get her off my mind? Why do I let her get to me? Does she do it on purpose or what? Yeah, she does. And she has always gotten under my skin because I always thought of her as my friend and could never understand her bullshit. Ok but now I do understand, so why does she still bother me so? Maybe my therapist can help me out with the answer to that. I don't know. She doesn't get to me nearly as bad as back when I believed she was my friend. Like I don't cry about it any more or anything. It just niggles me. Like wtf is wrong with that broad? I'm glad she's out of my life, now if she would just stay out of it.
Then I was thinking about getting my hair cut. It has become such a pain to wash, and brushing it when it's wet is a nightmare. Showers take twice as long now just because of the hair. I thought I would get it cut today while we were in town but then decided against it. Then I thought maybe just a trim, which I fully intended to do, then promptly FORGOT all about once we were there in town, ugh. I'm not sure it's long enough yet, I'll have to measure it. Going for a haircut has always been a bit of a trauma for me. Too many bad experiences, it's almost as bad as going to the dentist.
And then I thought, why are some people so bothered by my honesty? I came to the conclusion that some people just can't handle the truth. But also, sometimes, I'm brutal. I just say what I think. I don't hold back. I don't beat around the bush or play games. I call 'em as I see 'em. I've always believed honesty is the best policy. But now I'm wondering about that. 'Cause man, sometimes I just piss people right off. Maybe there should be a happy medium. I don't really NEED to be so brutally honest all the time. I mean, it's not like I have Tourettes or something. I do have the ability to think before I blurt. Sometimes the truth hurts and I don't want to hurt anyone. I think from now on, I'm gonna make a genuine effort to really think before I speak or act or type. To be honest, ugh, I don't do that a lot. I think about it afterwards, after I hurt someone or piss someone off. Gee, maybe I shouldn't have said that.
Like do I really need to tell the world what I was thinking about in the shower today? LOL. No. But I'm bored. And boring. I have nothing else to yap about. I felt like blogging. Gotta come up with something to say. Thus sharing my shower thoughts.
Oh, I know, here's something. We got our taxes done. We found out about all the crap you can write off when you own a business or are self employed. If you have a home business you can write off part of your mortgage, your hydro bill, your property tax, all kinds of stuff. But you also have to be a stickler about keeping receipts. Even though Hubby made less last year than the year before, it was still too much to claim some stuff, grrrrrr. So yay, something else to look forward to, claiming all kinds of crap on our taxes once we get the business up and running.
I know I would be up in arms if we lived in the town we were in today. They used tax dollars to build this ridiculous park thing down the middle of the main street. All it does is snarl up traffic, and it looks stupid. And who the hell is going to sit in the middle of the main road with traffic all around them? While we were there today I saw a firetruck with lights and sirens blaring, trying to get through the intersection. The park thing in the middle of the street definately caused them problems and slowed them down. I've been reading about it in the paper for the last year and 9 out of 10 people think it was a total brain fart waste of money and absolutely ridiculous. I agree. That town is growing at an alarming rate. There is a ton of new housing going up. It used to be a nice quaint town. Now it's becoming another extension of the big city. I hate it. They need to stop already. And this is what they do with all the new tax money?? More homes=more people=more traffic. So they build a park in the middle of the road in the heart of downtown? My gawd.
K, I'm done. Nothing else to blather about. Besides I actually feel like watching TV! Gonna go watch General Hospital now, lol. BuhBye.
Late in the afternoon, Hubby and I headed into town. Ran some errands, did some banking, a little browsing in the tattoo parlor, bla bla bla. I've been craving Chinese food so we grabbed some to bring home for dinner. We went to a different place than usual, though Hubby swears we've gotten it from this place before, I don't think so. All through my meal I kept thinking about this thing I saw on TV recently about a KFC overrun with rats. Hmmmm. Hubby insisted the food was actually quite good. It was NASTY. Now we're all laying around feeling ILL. It didn't take him long after finishing to admit, "You were right honey. After I slowed down and actually tasted it, it wasn't that good. And I feel sick." Gawd. Never again.
Lucky J and her hubby are leaving this weekend for bike week in Daytona Beach Florida. Lucky lucky lucky. We've decided we're gonna prepare to go next year. We've never seriously considered it before, for several reasons. For one thing, Hubby needs to get a pardon to go to the States and now with the new security measures, it's not even a question, he HAS to. Also winter has never hit me so hard before. This year, it's killing me. Now that I know how inexpensive air fare is, woohoo, look out Florida! Only thing with flying down is, no bike. So we have a year to work on that. With the help of a lawyer, Hubby should be able to get a pardon in a year. We have a year to get a bike trailer, and rather than fly we can drive. Things to look forward to, yeah. So have a blast you guys!!
As I was in the shower today, a million thoughts were rambling through my brain. Like how I miss D & D and why we aren't friends any more. Yeah I miss all the partying and the constant companionship, but I don't miss the bullshit. Like every picture I have of them they are soooo lovey dovey. But the truth is they were only like that when they were drunk or for the purpose of photographs. Other than that they were always on the verge of scrapping. There was always this underlying tension. And they both had all these secrets which I had the pleasure of knowing about. I didn't want to know. But they both confided in me and it drove me nuts. So even though I do miss them ocassionally, I don't miss the bullshit one little bit. I'm better off without them.
Then I was thinking about Cathy Anonymous. Like why does she bother me so much? Why can't I get her off my mind? Why do I let her get to me? Does she do it on purpose or what? Yeah, she does. And she has always gotten under my skin because I always thought of her as my friend and could never understand her bullshit. Ok but now I do understand, so why does she still bother me so? Maybe my therapist can help me out with the answer to that. I don't know. She doesn't get to me nearly as bad as back when I believed she was my friend. Like I don't cry about it any more or anything. It just niggles me. Like wtf is wrong with that broad? I'm glad she's out of my life, now if she would just stay out of it.
Then I was thinking about getting my hair cut. It has become such a pain to wash, and brushing it when it's wet is a nightmare. Showers take twice as long now just because of the hair. I thought I would get it cut today while we were in town but then decided against it. Then I thought maybe just a trim, which I fully intended to do, then promptly FORGOT all about once we were there in town, ugh. I'm not sure it's long enough yet, I'll have to measure it. Going for a haircut has always been a bit of a trauma for me. Too many bad experiences, it's almost as bad as going to the dentist.
And then I thought, why are some people so bothered by my honesty? I came to the conclusion that some people just can't handle the truth. But also, sometimes, I'm brutal. I just say what I think. I don't hold back. I don't beat around the bush or play games. I call 'em as I see 'em. I've always believed honesty is the best policy. But now I'm wondering about that. 'Cause man, sometimes I just piss people right off. Maybe there should be a happy medium. I don't really NEED to be so brutally honest all the time. I mean, it's not like I have Tourettes or something. I do have the ability to think before I blurt. Sometimes the truth hurts and I don't want to hurt anyone. I think from now on, I'm gonna make a genuine effort to really think before I speak or act or type. To be honest, ugh, I don't do that a lot. I think about it afterwards, after I hurt someone or piss someone off. Gee, maybe I shouldn't have said that.
Like do I really need to tell the world what I was thinking about in the shower today? LOL. No. But I'm bored. And boring. I have nothing else to yap about. I felt like blogging. Gotta come up with something to say. Thus sharing my shower thoughts.
Oh, I know, here's something. We got our taxes done. We found out about all the crap you can write off when you own a business or are self employed. If you have a home business you can write off part of your mortgage, your hydro bill, your property tax, all kinds of stuff. But you also have to be a stickler about keeping receipts. Even though Hubby made less last year than the year before, it was still too much to claim some stuff, grrrrrr. So yay, something else to look forward to, claiming all kinds of crap on our taxes once we get the business up and running.
I know I would be up in arms if we lived in the town we were in today. They used tax dollars to build this ridiculous park thing down the middle of the main street. All it does is snarl up traffic, and it looks stupid. And who the hell is going to sit in the middle of the main road with traffic all around them? While we were there today I saw a firetruck with lights and sirens blaring, trying to get through the intersection. The park thing in the middle of the street definately caused them problems and slowed them down. I've been reading about it in the paper for the last year and 9 out of 10 people think it was a total brain fart waste of money and absolutely ridiculous. I agree. That town is growing at an alarming rate. There is a ton of new housing going up. It used to be a nice quaint town. Now it's becoming another extension of the big city. I hate it. They need to stop already. And this is what they do with all the new tax money?? More homes=more people=more traffic. So they build a park in the middle of the road in the heart of downtown? My gawd.
K, I'm done. Nothing else to blather about. Besides I actually feel like watching TV! Gonna go watch General Hospital now, lol. BuhBye.
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