~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Well here it is 3:45 a.m and I'm up. I couldn't sleep at all. I guess this will be another all-nighter. I didn't sleep much yesterday. Mainly I read and laid there awake, thinking. Not much sleep at all. So now I'm having insomnia, yay.

You know what I was thinking about yesterday? The bad years. Back in the days when Little R was a baby. Mr. Man and I did not see eye to eye. We fought a lot and actually ended up splitting up for a year and a half. But once we reconciled everything has been great ever since. There was some really bad times back then. I don't know why I was thinking about it yesterday. Now I just can't get comfortable. His snoring is bothering me. I'm just wide awake.

I still have nothing to say. Jeff Healey died. That sucks. He was a great musician. I never did see him. It was one of those things, yeah yeah, we'll go next time. Now there won't be a next time. So that's a drag.

My mind won't shut off. There's just all kinds of stuff racing around in there. Nothing important. Just thoughts and memories. I took my sleep aids. They usually work. Reading didn't help either. Maybe I did just get too much rest yesterday.

Mr. Man has run out of patience with the condition of the house. He has started making comments about it every day. He's actually bitching at me about it! This is new. I know he's just trying to motivate me. It's not really working. I'll get to it. So much for my baby steps. That never happened. We simply have too much stuff. We have to get rid of the stuff. Man I wish I could have one of those teams of people who just come in and clean it all out for you. And then they organize what's left. The worst of it is, we need to learn how to house train Eddie. He has his favourite spots where he likes to go, but really he does it all over the house. It's impossible to keep up with him. I rarely catch him doing it. He gets let outside plenty. I just don't know how to train him. Then there's the laundry. We all just have too much clothes. Even though I've weeded out all our clothes and donated them, we still have too much. It's crazy. I'm just overwhelmed. I don't know where to start. Do you think that's what's keeping me awake at night? I think that's part of it.

And what's with Eddie. He's a little pyro. He sits on the hearth right in front of the fire and stares at it. If it pops or shifts he barks his head off at it, which then gets Bear barking too. If there's no fire going he stays away from it, but if there's a fire he won't leave it alone. He also eats wood chips and has been known to take a cold ember out of the firebox to chew on. Here he is staring at the fire...

At first we thought he just liked the heat on the hearth, but that's not it. He's facinated by the fire. But then if there's a spark or a log falls over, he freaks out. Well I don't know how a dog thinks. So who knows.

Our tenth anniversary is coming up in a couple of weeks. We've been together for 18 years, married for 10. We don't usually really celebrate it. We'll see. It's on the 13th. We got married on a Friday the 13th. It was a very, very small wedding. Very spur of the moment too. We'd like to have a real big wedding on one of our milestone anniversaries. But I know it's not gonna happen for the tenth. So I don't know, maybe the 13th.

Well, I think I'm going to try to lay down for an hour before I have to get up and start my day. We have that meeting with the Vice Principal this morning. I'd like to be alert and showered for that. Have a great day.


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