~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Monday, March 03, 2008

Rainy Monday

Life has been uneventful around here. I really have nothing to say. I'd like to say thank you for all the nice comments. They are truly appreciated. To answer the question of where I keep all those dishes, I have 3 china cabinets.

I would have to say March came in like a lion. It snowed half the day, thankfully it finally stopped, and it was bitter cold. The wind was so sharp it could cut you in half. The roads were pure ice. Now, two days later, it's raining. I think we had freezing rain last night. When I let the dogs out this morning they were slipping around on the ice. I cannot wait to see the end of this winter.

I woke up at 5:30 on Saturday. It was still snowing. I wanted to go to town, I was in the mood for browsing. I waited patiently all day for Mr. Man to get up so we could go. I think it was around 3 p.m when we finally headed into town. We browsed through the thrift store, didn't buy anything, and once again forgot to bring a load of stuff to drop off. We went to the drug store for his prescriptions and I bought 2 new books. It's been so long since I've bought new books that I was a little shocked at the price of them. We also went to the dollar store where we bought a few things, the grocery store where Mr. Man got the ingredients for Chicken Paprikash which he made for dinner, and the liquor store where we bought a bottle of Buttershots which we drank most of that night while playing darts. We came home on the icy roads and lit a lovely little fire. Mr. Man cooked dinner and after dinner we played darts. Once again he got bored with winning.

Here it is Monday again and it's raining. I don't like Mondays. I don't like being home alone after the weekend. It's depressing. I used to appreciate the peace and quiet. I think I get too much peace and quiet these days. All the school buses, except for Little R's, were cancelled this morning. I'm just hoping she goes to all her classes and comes straight home from school. I miss my family on Mondays.

Even though it's raining today, they are calling for snow the rest of the week. I can't take it any more. It's making me feel claustrophobic. Due to the foul weather all weekend Mr. Man didn't get the chance to fix the fan belt on the truck again. So it's another week without my car. You'd think I'd be used to this. But I start every weekend with the hope that this time he'll get to fix the truck. One more reason I don't like Mondays, I'm trapped at home.

Ah well. I think I'll go read. I've already read all the blogs and whatnot that I read on the computer. Time to go read my book and probably fall asleep. Sounds like a plan on a rainy Monday. Have a good day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bridge was closed for only the 4th time in 11 years yesterday. It doesn't matter, no one could've gotten to the bridge because there were 5 ft snow drifts burying cars, the highway and front doors. And it was Sunday, so the entire island is closed as it is. Ugh. 27 days till my cruise! And we're going to rent a Harley and check out the Florida panhandle. :)

12:10 PM  
Blogger Kelli said...

I have a hard time with Mondays too, I hope the rest of your week goes well and spring arrives quickly.

5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there....I am going to have to go through your library of books some time...lol
I think a book and getting lost in it would be a good thing don't you think.... :)

8:15 PM  

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