Our Weekend And Pictures
Last Thursday we went down to the city to meet Big R, my father and my sister for a birthday dinner at the Mandarin. Little Rs birthday was on the 9th, Big Rs boyfriends birthday was on the 16th or 17th, my fathers birthday was on the 19th and Big Rs birthday is on the 27th. It was so nice to see Big R again. I don't think I'll ever get used to her living in Prince Edward Island. But she is getting pretty settled down there. Our visits are never long enough. It was at this dinner that my sister invited us down to her place on Sunday for a barbecue for my fathers 94th birthday.

And Big R with her man Glen. We like him.

My dad with his birthday cake.

Blogger is not making it easy to add pictures these days. So that's it for now. That was our weekend in pictures. Next weekend we are going back down to the city for a barbecue picnic in the park with old friends. That is assuming it doesn't rain. Hopefully we'll get some time during the week to work on the bike. We need to have it running the following weekend. Mr. Man needs to make the time to do it. The summer is slipping away.
Well I'm off to start my day, back to the grind. Gotta get the kitchen cleaned up. SW is on her way back home! I can't wait to see her. Have a great day.
Friday Mr. Man took the day off work. We didn't do anything. He could have gone up to D & Ss place to work on the bike but that never happened. I don't even remember what we did all day, I think it was a lazy day. Mr. Man has 2 weeks of vacation he can take but he's afraid of the chaos he'll have to return to. I'm trying to convince him to take one week off.
Saturday we walked the dog down to the Farmers Market which happens to be at the end of our street every Saturday morning. There was a very tall guy dressed in a bear costume walking around, when Bear saw it he barked once and then just cowered. He had never seen anything like it. He couldn't get away from it fast enough. We walked over to Timmys and got coffee. Then we jumped in the car and went to a few yard sales. It was pretty disappointing. One thing we did end up buying was a few cassette tapes. Pretty ironic since I just gave away my cassette collection before we moved. I'm pretty sure I used to have all the tapes we bought. They're for listening to in the car. At some point we went to the thrift store. We had some stuff to drop off and I've been looking for a gift for my old friend whose birthday is on the 25th. I'll be seeing her on the 26th. I didn't find anything in there so we went to a different store where I did find something I hope she will like and use. Later in the afternoon again we took the dog down to the park at the end of our street for Marc Emery's Farewell Tour. We met "The Prince Of Pot" himself, listened to him speak, signed a petition, got his autograph on a DVD and I got my picture taken with him. I only learned about his plight the weekend before so I wasn't too sure what was going on or even who he was. I'm more educated now. There was a police presence, when they all marched off to another location we just headed home.
Sunday we headed down to the city to my sisters for a barbecue to celebrate my fathers 94th birthday. I got to see a couple of my nephews who I rarely see and my great niece who I have only seen a couple of times. She's 5 now. Quite the little chatterbox. And not shy at all. We brought Bear too, it was his first time there. He was very well behaved. Even though my father has never had a drink of alcohol in his life, there was some drinking going on. Even my sister had a couple of coolers. It was fun though I didn't really talk to my father much. We were banished to the smokers table. We did make plans to go to my sisters cottage at some point this summer. I've never been there mainly because its on an island and you have to take a boat to get to it. I don't do well with boats. But I'm determined to go this summer. Maybe when Mr. Man takes a week off work.
And now for some pictures. First is Big R and Little R. Big Rs boyfriend was entertained by all the mannerisms these two share.
Next is our little family. This is like one of 2 photos in existence of the four of us together.
This is me and my sister Linda.
Little R and Papa.
My dad with his two youngest granddaughters.
And Big R with her man Glen. We like him.
Here's me with Marc Emery, "The Prince Of Pot".
My dad with his birthday cake.
Little R with my great niece Faith.
Blogger is not making it easy to add pictures these days. So that's it for now. That was our weekend in pictures. Next weekend we are going back down to the city for a barbecue picnic in the park with old friends. That is assuming it doesn't rain. Hopefully we'll get some time during the week to work on the bike. We need to have it running the following weekend. Mr. Man needs to make the time to do it. The summer is slipping away.
Well I'm off to start my day, back to the grind. Gotta get the kitchen cleaned up. SW is on her way back home! I can't wait to see her. Have a great day.
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