~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Tuesday, January 04, 2011

I Hate When The Holidays Are Over

I know I say this every year, but I'll say it again, I hate the end of the holidays! Mr. Man went back to work today. It's time to put all the Christmas stuff away. We got a late start, we didn't even put the tree up until a few days before Christmas, so I think I'm going to leave it up until next weekend. I'm not sick of it yet. So much effort and work and emotion goes into the holidays. All the preperation, decorating and shopping and cooking and wrapping and visiting and partying. We did all our shopping in 2 days! The whole thing is just a blur and now it's over. Mr. Man's little vacation went by way too fast. This time of year depresses me. I don't know what to look forward to. It's back to reality and my reality isn't so great these days. I miss Mr. Man when he goes back to work after being home for 10 days. Little R just stresses me out. It's constant drama. It's way too soon to look forward to spring. The winter is just getting started. Speaking of winter, all the snow we had melted over New Years with rain and mild weather, but then on Sunday it snowed all day and everything is white again. They're calling for snow every day for the next few days. I like snow.

I think I'll do a post after this with all pictures. We got a few but not as many as usual. And Mr. Man gave me a new video camera for Christmas. I don't even know how to use it yet. I can do videos with my old camera, I just never think of doing it. I did however get one video on Christmas day of my father trying on the cardigan we gave him. He's been looking for one for a couple of years and we gave him one last year, but he didn't like it, and hasn't been able to find one he likes. Apparently he likes the one we found this time. I posted it on YouTube so Big R and my brother could see it. That's the first time I ever posted anything on YouTube. I didn't even see my brother at all this Christmas. We offered to stop by his place while we were in the area but he had other plans. I really like my old camera. It takes excellent pictures. And I pretty much know how to use it. It isn't even that old. I'm going to try to remember to take more videos with it. I just thought it would be good to have at least one good video of my dad, and now I hope to get more. The last time I posted pictures on here it was a real pain to do and that's why I don't do it any more, but I will.

The holidays always make me miss people who are gone. It makes me remember past holidays spent with them. And of course I can't help but think of the ones who actually passed away at Christmas. I am looking forward to Christmas 2011. I'm going to start planning, shopping and decorating early. I'm not going to do anything to cause stress like put on a big dinner. That usually comes about because Mr. Man gets a big turkey given to him from his work. This time it was a turkey and a ham. Definately going to try to eliminate stress in 2011. We need some good new memories.

I don't want to spend today sitting here crying. It doesn't have to be a bad thing that the holidays are over. So I'm going to post some pictures and then get busy cleaning up. Have a great day.


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