Happy Thanksgiving!
Good morning.
I shouldn't be awake. I don't know how I'm awake. On Friday I pulled another all-nighter. I really got into the house cleaning. You know how it is, once you wipe a spot on a wall you have to wipe the whole wall. Plus it was a full moon and I never sleep well when there's a full moon. Little R had to be up quite early Saturday morning to go to the Erin Fall Fair and get Gem ready for the last 4-H show. I had just dozed off when it was time to get her up. Then there was no turning back. I spent the morning continuing to house clean, then threw the turkey in the oven and headed off to the fair. Our guests met us there. Little R kicked ass! For reasons I'm not sure of, this show went on a lot longer than any others before. She was in the ring several times. She came in first a couple of times! She also placed 3rd (moved up from 4th!). We actually left before it was finished, so I'm not sure how she did after we left. I was concerned about Bear being stuck in the house alone for so long and the turkey in the oven, so we missed her last round.
It was so nice to have my father and daughter there! I don't see them often enough. Big R brought her puppy, and it was the cutest thing! EVERYONE has to stop to pet her. She is quite the show stopping little ham lol. She dances! This consists of standing on her hind legs and turning in circles. Too cute! Very well behaved too. I was leery bringing her home to Bear lol. They had a couple of moments, but generally they got along ok. It was pretty funny at times. They were both stealing bites out of each others food bowls when the others back was turned, they raced around chasing each other in circles outside. Keep in mind Penelope the puppy is about the size of Bears head. Friggin hilarious.
By the time we got home from the fair, I was exhausted, but then it was time to prepare the dinner. I LOVE the smell of turkey cooking, that was very nice to come home to. Amazingly, everything turned out excellent. Everyone enjoyed their meal. Big R brought some homemade desserts, oatmeal/chocolate chip cookies AND these pumpkin delight things. I have never liked pumpkin pie or anything with pumpkin, but this stuff was delicious. It was like pumpkin cheesecake. Apparently being unemployed has turned my daughter into some kind of domestic goddess.
After dinner I came downstairs for a smoke and ended up falling asleep in the chair. The next thing I knew I was being woke up to say goodbye to my guests. I didn't go to bed until 11 and then woke up at 2 a.m and have been up ever since. I'm burnt. Now the Thanksgiving dinner is out of the way, we can kick back, relax and enjoy the rest of the long weekend (in a clean house, living on leftovers lol).
Next weekend will be a long weekend also. Friday the 13th in Port Dover AND my 45th birthday. Hubby takes Friday the 13ths off work so we can go to Port Dover. Not sure if we'll be going or not. The weather hasn't been promising. I'd hate to get sick again from a cold ride. We haven't done anything with the trailer, it does need some work, like new tires. He told me the weather network was calling for snow, but I think he was pulling my leg. Though, yesterday morning there was a heavy frost, all the rooftops were white. We are not good at making plans. Even when we do plan something, it rarely happens the way its supposed to.
I am so tired...3 hours of sleep in the last 2 nights, ugh. I'm not capable of being witty, amusing or even mildly entertaining, so heres some pictures from yesterday...

I shouldn't be awake. I don't know how I'm awake. On Friday I pulled another all-nighter. I really got into the house cleaning. You know how it is, once you wipe a spot on a wall you have to wipe the whole wall. Plus it was a full moon and I never sleep well when there's a full moon. Little R had to be up quite early Saturday morning to go to the Erin Fall Fair and get Gem ready for the last 4-H show. I had just dozed off when it was time to get her up. Then there was no turning back. I spent the morning continuing to house clean, then threw the turkey in the oven and headed off to the fair. Our guests met us there. Little R kicked ass! For reasons I'm not sure of, this show went on a lot longer than any others before. She was in the ring several times. She came in first a couple of times! She also placed 3rd (moved up from 4th!). We actually left before it was finished, so I'm not sure how she did after we left. I was concerned about Bear being stuck in the house alone for so long and the turkey in the oven, so we missed her last round.
It was so nice to have my father and daughter there! I don't see them often enough. Big R brought her puppy, and it was the cutest thing! EVERYONE has to stop to pet her. She is quite the show stopping little ham lol. She dances! This consists of standing on her hind legs and turning in circles. Too cute! Very well behaved too. I was leery bringing her home to Bear lol. They had a couple of moments, but generally they got along ok. It was pretty funny at times. They were both stealing bites out of each others food bowls when the others back was turned, they raced around chasing each other in circles outside. Keep in mind Penelope the puppy is about the size of Bears head. Friggin hilarious.
By the time we got home from the fair, I was exhausted, but then it was time to prepare the dinner. I LOVE the smell of turkey cooking, that was very nice to come home to. Amazingly, everything turned out excellent. Everyone enjoyed their meal. Big R brought some homemade desserts, oatmeal/chocolate chip cookies AND these pumpkin delight things. I have never liked pumpkin pie or anything with pumpkin, but this stuff was delicious. It was like pumpkin cheesecake. Apparently being unemployed has turned my daughter into some kind of domestic goddess.
After dinner I came downstairs for a smoke and ended up falling asleep in the chair. The next thing I knew I was being woke up to say goodbye to my guests. I didn't go to bed until 11 and then woke up at 2 a.m and have been up ever since. I'm burnt. Now the Thanksgiving dinner is out of the way, we can kick back, relax and enjoy the rest of the long weekend (in a clean house, living on leftovers lol).
Next weekend will be a long weekend also. Friday the 13th in Port Dover AND my 45th birthday. Hubby takes Friday the 13ths off work so we can go to Port Dover. Not sure if we'll be going or not. The weather hasn't been promising. I'd hate to get sick again from a cold ride. We haven't done anything with the trailer, it does need some work, like new tires. He told me the weather network was calling for snow, but I think he was pulling my leg. Though, yesterday morning there was a heavy frost, all the rooftops were white. We are not good at making plans. Even when we do plan something, it rarely happens the way its supposed to.
I am so tired...3 hours of sleep in the last 2 nights, ugh. I'm not capable of being witty, amusing or even mildly entertaining, so heres some pictures from yesterday...

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