Hell Ya I'm A Redneck Yeehaw!
Good evening.
What a day!
I pulled an all-nighter again, OMFG reading "Uncle Bob" FFS. This dude has been doing a blog for like 10 years and I am now at August 2004. Its like reading a book, I couldn't help myself. The guy is talented, and leaves you wanting to know what happens next. So, rather than laying in bed reading a book, I sat here at the computer reading Uncle Bob until about 3 a.m. Eerie as it is, I find myself thinking "shit, this could be me talking! Sounds just like something I would say. Sounds like MY BLOG!" LOL. Once I did go to bed, as usual, I couldn't turn my brain off, and thus, tossed and turned until 5:30 a.m when I had to get Hubby up for work. After I did that, I crashed.
Little R got up and went to the 4-H show without waking me up, that would have been around 7 a.m.
Around 9 a.m someone knocking on the door woke me up. It was S.W seeing if I was coming to the 4-H show. She brought me a Timmy Ho's, how could I refuse? I knew this was the second last show of the year, I really wanted to go, I was a bag of shit, still feeling pretty ill, but forced myself to get up and shower and GO.
I'm so glad I did, because I had a great day. And I don't feel quite so ill any more.
The day started out all gloomy, cloudy and rainy, but brightened up later. We got there just in time to see the girls do their thing. Little R took 5th in Showmanship and 3rd in Conformation.
I'm sitting by myself in the bleachers having a smoke (no I haven't quit), S.W joins me, and along comes this dude in a Mickey Mouse costume. I'm thinking I should get a picture of this, but whatever... I say "DUDE!?!?" S.W says "LOL, too bad Bill is missing this!" I'm thinking what the heck is she talkin about? Why would Hubby give a shit about this? Well DUH ME, it's this guy Hubby and I met at the beginning of the 4-H season, but since I haven't been around for the last few shows, I don't recognize him. Apparently he and Hubby have become quite the buds. So dam, I missed the photo op. He was actually coming over to say HI to us, duh. So once I was informed, I tried getting a decent picture from across the ring and they all turned out blurry. It was a really good costume and it turns out he does this every year for the parade as a Lions Club member.
This was my first time attending the Grand Valley Fall Fair, what do I know? They had a good midway, good rides and games, AND a BEER GARDEN, AND a DEMOLITION DERBY, along with all the other usual fall fair stuff.
I have never felt like such a redneck before! The place was crawling with bonafide rednecks, it was great!
Hubby showed up after work. We hit the beer garden, where Mickey Mouse showed up, sans costume, and we discussed how I didn't realize it was HIM dammit.
This is the first time in my life I have ever watched a demolition derby... This is where the true redneck in me came out. Hubby says I'm a natural, LMAO. We are already making plans to enter next year. Gawd, could I ever vent some rage driving in that shit! Look out motherfuckers, BAM!
We had a blast. We actually know people who live in Grand Valley too, so that was cool, seeing peeps and socializing. Meanwhile, Little R ran into some friends too and was off doing her own thing, going on rides etc.
There was also a little exotic zoo thing, where they had a little zebra, a big ass parrot, a little kangaroo (I think it was really a wallabee, too small for a kangaroo) and shit like that.
Honestly, it was the first time for a few things, first time I've drank alcohol in months too. So when we got home, I began to finish cutting the grass and Hubby slayed himself splitting firewood. It was way dark by 8:30 p.m , but I could still see the lines and just kept going. Call me crazy, but I just wanted to git er done. Still isn't finished GDI. What the heck were we thinking we need a 1/2 acre backyard for? Its not like we play football or baseball or anything, sheesh.
But YAY I feel better. Yahoo! Yeehaw! And all that jazz...
So....heres some pics...

Here's Deb, who placed 2nd in Showmanship? I think. I should mention, as I have mentioned before they sometimes get cool gifts for participating...today they got jackets and splash pants, free lunch and work gloves, woohoo. The jacket and pants are nice though!

And theres Little R...

And thats about the clearest shot I got of the Mickey Mouse dude, who is actually John and yes I got his permission to post this.

The girls, sporting their new jackets on the "Tilt O Whirl"

And apparently it is customary to just hack off the back of a car in preperation of the next round!

So, yeah, had a great time, the best fall fair yet!
Have a good night y'all!
What a day!
I pulled an all-nighter again, OMFG reading "Uncle Bob" FFS. This dude has been doing a blog for like 10 years and I am now at August 2004. Its like reading a book, I couldn't help myself. The guy is talented, and leaves you wanting to know what happens next. So, rather than laying in bed reading a book, I sat here at the computer reading Uncle Bob until about 3 a.m. Eerie as it is, I find myself thinking "shit, this could be me talking! Sounds just like something I would say. Sounds like MY BLOG!" LOL. Once I did go to bed, as usual, I couldn't turn my brain off, and thus, tossed and turned until 5:30 a.m when I had to get Hubby up for work. After I did that, I crashed.
Little R got up and went to the 4-H show without waking me up, that would have been around 7 a.m.
Around 9 a.m someone knocking on the door woke me up. It was S.W seeing if I was coming to the 4-H show. She brought me a Timmy Ho's, how could I refuse? I knew this was the second last show of the year, I really wanted to go, I was a bag of shit, still feeling pretty ill, but forced myself to get up and shower and GO.
I'm so glad I did, because I had a great day. And I don't feel quite so ill any more.
The day started out all gloomy, cloudy and rainy, but brightened up later. We got there just in time to see the girls do their thing. Little R took 5th in Showmanship and 3rd in Conformation.
I'm sitting by myself in the bleachers having a smoke (no I haven't quit), S.W joins me, and along comes this dude in a Mickey Mouse costume. I'm thinking I should get a picture of this, but whatever... I say "DUDE!?!?" S.W says "LOL, too bad Bill is missing this!" I'm thinking what the heck is she talkin about? Why would Hubby give a shit about this? Well DUH ME, it's this guy Hubby and I met at the beginning of the 4-H season, but since I haven't been around for the last few shows, I don't recognize him. Apparently he and Hubby have become quite the buds. So dam, I missed the photo op. He was actually coming over to say HI to us, duh. So once I was informed, I tried getting a decent picture from across the ring and they all turned out blurry. It was a really good costume and it turns out he does this every year for the parade as a Lions Club member.
This was my first time attending the Grand Valley Fall Fair, what do I know? They had a good midway, good rides and games, AND a BEER GARDEN, AND a DEMOLITION DERBY, along with all the other usual fall fair stuff.
I have never felt like such a redneck before! The place was crawling with bonafide rednecks, it was great!
Hubby showed up after work. We hit the beer garden, where Mickey Mouse showed up, sans costume, and we discussed how I didn't realize it was HIM dammit.
This is the first time in my life I have ever watched a demolition derby... This is where the true redneck in me came out. Hubby says I'm a natural, LMAO. We are already making plans to enter next year. Gawd, could I ever vent some rage driving in that shit! Look out motherfuckers, BAM!
We had a blast. We actually know people who live in Grand Valley too, so that was cool, seeing peeps and socializing. Meanwhile, Little R ran into some friends too and was off doing her own thing, going on rides etc.
There was also a little exotic zoo thing, where they had a little zebra, a big ass parrot, a little kangaroo (I think it was really a wallabee, too small for a kangaroo) and shit like that.
Honestly, it was the first time for a few things, first time I've drank alcohol in months too. So when we got home, I began to finish cutting the grass and Hubby slayed himself splitting firewood. It was way dark by 8:30 p.m , but I could still see the lines and just kept going. Call me crazy, but I just wanted to git er done. Still isn't finished GDI. What the heck were we thinking we need a 1/2 acre backyard for? Its not like we play football or baseball or anything, sheesh.
But YAY I feel better. Yahoo! Yeehaw! And all that jazz...
So....heres some pics...

Here's Deb, who placed 2nd in Showmanship? I think. I should mention, as I have mentioned before they sometimes get cool gifts for participating...today they got jackets and splash pants, free lunch and work gloves, woohoo. The jacket and pants are nice though!

And theres Little R...

And thats about the clearest shot I got of the Mickey Mouse dude, who is actually John and yes I got his permission to post this.

The girls, sporting their new jackets on the "Tilt O Whirl"

And apparently it is customary to just hack off the back of a car in preperation of the next round!

So, yeah, had a great time, the best fall fair yet!
Have a good night y'all!
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