~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Bla Bla Bla

Good morning.

Its freezing inside the house, the thermometer says its about 24 C outside, which is not cold. Too bad this house doesn't hold heat the way it holds cold. Its also horrible, icky fly season and theres just millions of them. The more you kill the more you get. Don't know how that works. Its so GROSS. They get in the house and then try to hang around anything that's warm, like, my cup of coffee, my computer, lights, my face...I can't bring myself to smack my monitor with a fly swatter or hit myself in the face with it.

My poor Hubby had to go into work early this morning, which meant getting up at 4 a.m. I tried to stay up until then so as not to disturb him climbing into bed. I made it to 3:30 lol, could not do it. His job is killing him. The lawyers and insurance people need to get on with it here. His boss has been quite understanding, patient and accomodating thus far, but I think he's starting to lose patience. He should keep in mind that if he loses Hubby, he will lose his business. My Hubby made that place what it is, customers go there because of HIM. Which really, puts a lot of pressure on Hubby. Now that we know surgery is not an option for him, we need to do something else, he can't go on like this much longer.

I went to the dentist last night. He had these wax molds I had to try on. We picked the colour for my denture teeth. Its quite the process to making dentures. I had no idea. Even though we have already paid out about $3000 so far, it will still cost another $2500 or so. Gawd. That's stressing Hubby out too. Why don't I get a job too you ask? Well, I couldn't get a job that would pay enough to make it worth while thats why. For what it would cost in gas etc. it just isn't worth it. I cost less just staying home.

So there is now actually a word for getting fired because of your blog or website? DOOCED? Correct me if I'm wrong, there is a website called Dooce and this person experienced losing their job because of their website? Something like that. I am finding out, it is way more common than I would have guessed. Holy shit! I'm thinking its not right. What employees do on their own time, is their own business. I'm also thinking its all the bitching about co-workers, bosses, etc. that people tend to do on their blogs that creates problems? Even though most folks do it anonymously. Crazy!
Speaking of losing jobs...Big R got laid off from her new job, and I know it had nothing to do with her blog because she hasn't posted anything on it in ages. Its a fuckin crazy world out there. Another reason I don't really need/want to go out there and get myself employed.

After a summer of very limited socializing, we are invited to 2 doos this weekend. Sadly we won't make it to either. Hubby will be working and I still don't feel up to it. Eating with 10 teeth, all in the front, isn't pretty, and not something I want to do in public. I'm still having trouble breathing too. After Hubby missing a month of work, we are in a financial black hole. Going to work on Saturday, driving all the way back home, cleaning up and then going out to party is just too much for him. Even though the doctor doubled the milligrams of his powerful pain meds, he hasn't got the new ones yet. He will get them the next time he gets his prescriptions filled. Meanwhile, he is just getting by and suffereing. It's a shame, the one party is very exclusive and any other time, we would have been there with bells on. The other one is a surprise birthday party with people we don't know well but were looking forward to getting to know. We've missed most doos and events this year, why stop now? Gawd.

My Easter Lilies are opening, pictures coming soon.

I still have no furnace! WTF? Another case of a business treating customers like shit. They are not the only propane company around. But they sure act like they think they are the only propane company around. I KNEW propane was bad news. Hate to say "I told you so", well not really, but, man, my kingdom for electric heat. My personal favourite saying, "live and learn", buying this house was a big fat brain fart. But I can't help thinking it would have been so different if Hubby wasn't crippled soon after moving here. He would have had the physical and financial ability to do all the renovating and upgrading we had planned upon buying it.

Was just outside with my guy and it is quite nice out. I guess I'll get my shit together and get out there to enjoy it and get the front yard done.
Have a good one!


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