~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Sunday, September 24, 2006

Who Invented Grass For Lawns Anyways?

Good evening.
After my grass cutting extravaganza last night, I looked out this morning and had to groan. There was still a ton to cut. But hey, at least the sun was shining. So I plopped in front of the computer to read some Uncle Bob with my morning coffee, before heading out to hopefully git er done and finish the dam mowing. When I'm ready to go out, who is out there but the nieghbour on my left, cutting his grass. So I puttered around making another coffee to take outside with me, looking for my shoes, the dogs collar, whatever, taking my time getting out there. He was raking when I finally went out. There we are, like 3 feet away from each other, and he won't look at me! I'm like fine, I won't look at you either! It was too silly for words. I couldn't even believe it. I mean, I can believe it, but holy hell. Had he of looked at me I probably would have just smiled at him, the little midget troll freak. So, his loss I suppose.
It took me hours to finish the back portion of the backyard. The grass was so long and wet, the lawnmower kept stalling, every few feet I had to tip it up and try to eject all the wet crap stuck inside of it. I never did learn the metric system, so even though I am Canadian and do live in Canada, I still measure in feet and inches etc. But I swear it took HOURS to do. Normally it wouldn't take so long ya see.
It was sunny but windy when I started, there were plenty of clouds moving very fast overhead. Every once in a while a particularly dark cloud would spew a bit of rain on me and then the sun would pop back out. I did finish it, and now need to start all over again. The first parts I did are ready to be cut again! You can literally watch the shit grow!
Anyhow, once I was done, I wasn't ready to come inside, so I got out my big tree trimmer dooey and went nuts on the blasted "rose" bushes that grow all over and through the fence on the right side of the yard. Its THEIR fence and its THEIR bushes and weeds which grow through it. These things attack me whenever I am trying to cut the grass along the fence. They poke me in the eyes, they get caught in my hair and clothing, they scratch my skin, they get caught up in the lawnmower. And they block the sun from my gardens along the fence, which I actually try to keep the weeds out of and have actual flowers and shrubs growing in. So today I said thats IT, you are history! I tend to trim them up every spring, trying to keep them under control, but this seems to be backfiring and making them grow more. This year they did actually bloom, thanks to my trimming I'm sure. Those folks don't touch them. I was ruthless.
Until today, I didn't want to be a bad nieghbour. I didn't want to piss them off by trimming their overgrown crap. But, these are the same people who have complained about our motorcycle, our dog and gawd only knows what else, and I honestly don't think they would even notice, for all the "gardening" and yard work they do. So fuck em I say. I don't care about being a good nieghbour any more really. None of my nieghbours worry about such shit, so why should I?
As soon as I was done, the rain started for real.
Hubby must have worn himself out yesterday because he slept all day long. However, once I was done, he got up and cooked dinner while I took a nap lol.
My Easter Lilies out front look ready to open any day. Hopefully we won't get a frost before they open. I still haven't even attempted to find out if I'm supposed to dig them up for the winter or not, sigh.
There is only one more fall fair 4-H show and it's not until Thanksgiving weekend, which actually isn't that far off. Its only a couple of weeks from now. After that there is an achievement dinner thing in November, which we are looking forward to.
And then its the dreadfully long winter. UGH. But on the bright side we have a snowblower now. Its pretty decrepit, needs some Tremclad paint, has a flat tire, but it works and the price was right, $0. And besides, Hubby is "mechanically inclined"! Motivated? Not so much.
So, my plan for tomorrow is, cut the lawn in the front yard and edge the grass along the driveway. I have never done this before in my life, but will figure it out. Hopefully it won't rain. Because that will just completely ruin my plan for tomorrow.
Interesting little note...M.P stopped by Hubbys work last week to pick up tires he had ordered while Hubby was off work for a month. He gave Hubby the new address and phone number! Also, he informed Hubby that they found the shelves which belong to the cabinet we bought from them back in March? April? May? I mean, wtf? I had sent countless emails asking about said shelves. I told S.P we were going to end up cutting the shelves we got with it to fit. Um, we did cut them, MONTHS ago. She never ONCE replied to my emails about it. What the heck was I supposed to do? She never even acknowledged that we were given the wrong shelves. Just NO RESPONSE. And now he tells Hubby he found the proper shelves? Crazy. So we have the wrong shelves, cut to fit, which still don't quite fit perfectly, but they found the proper shelves, after never even acknowledging they gave us the wrong shelves in the first place? I was happy about that purchase, in the beginning. It was something I really wanted and was happy to buy. But it has turned into a regrettable purchase. I hate when that happens.
So yeah...good night.


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