My Hubby Rulz, Hehehehe
Good evening...
Well shit...I FORGOT to take my new medication this morning, lmao, go figure.
But I still had a grrrrrreat day! Little R, Bear and myself walked over to S.W's place and spent the afternoon there. Despite my prediction of today dragging, it in fact, flew. Just as I was thinking it was time to head back home, and hows this for perfect-17-years-together timing, Hubby pulled up in the driveway, woohoo. He got off work a little early, yeah baby. And he so rocks that he made a stop at the old L.C.B.O enroute. Only in Canada eh. So he picked up a few, count em, a few, bottles of wine and a cool Kahlua kit with glasses and recipes. Nice, I KNEW something was missing this year hehe.

Well shit...I FORGOT to take my new medication this morning, lmao, go figure.
But I still had a grrrrrreat day! Little R, Bear and myself walked over to S.W's place and spent the afternoon there. Despite my prediction of today dragging, it in fact, flew. Just as I was thinking it was time to head back home, and hows this for perfect-17-years-together timing, Hubby pulled up in the driveway, woohoo. He got off work a little early, yeah baby. And he so rocks that he made a stop at the old L.C.B.O enroute. Only in Canada eh. So he picked up a few, count em, a few, bottles of wine and a cool Kahlua kit with glasses and recipes. Nice, I KNEW something was missing this year hehe.
So, had a lovely afternoon at S.W's place, fell in fricken love with her house...I've never actually scoped it out before like I did today, and came home with all kinds of mad ideaz for this place, (should enter photos here), but I now know what needs to be done here.
Little R ended up spending the night at S.W's, so the Hubster and I had an evening of one-on-one darts and polishing off the remaining brewskies in the refrigerator...(again, enter photos here). We had a great evening together and as he was heading off to bed to leave me to blog in peace, he pointed out that I had left my keys in the front door, which I also had done YESTERDAY in my manic state, omfg, and I LOCKED it behind myself...hello??? I don't know man...
It was incredibly cold walking over there today, and Little R wore only a vest over a sweater, which were Christmas gifts from Big R, and whined about how cold it was all the way lol. Bear had amazingly good manners in a strange house, he made me a proud mama. There are several Jack Russel Terrors and a couple of cats in that place and he was sooooo cool about it all.
S.W is a SPOILED ROTTEN BIOTCH...LOL, (love ya babes)...she got like EVERYTHING for Christmas, and it made me feel like a 12 year old all over again. WHY? Because we decided to "tone it down" this year. Wait til next year hahaha. But seriously, she got some rockin cool gifts, LOTS of em, but I am happy for her, 'cause she deserves em.
When they were tearing down their barn and we were scrounging their old wood, I just happened to look down and find her engagement ring in the mud, that's me, I find shit all the time, just like that, look down and it's at my feet, but the diamond was missing. They figured the ring had fallen out of her old car when they moved it, and yeah the diamond had fallen out, thats why it was sitting in her old car. When her Hubby saw it, he was all like, "and you agreed to marry me with THAT little thing??" Soooo, guess what one of her rockin Christmas gifts was...a new diamond ring of course.
So then Hubby kicked my ass at darts like 6 games in a row, ugh. And we listened to some really old music, which I FORGOT I even had on the computer, like...Skid Row, Edgar Winter, Lou Reed, Robert Plant, and "I Smell Sex & Candy Ye ah" LOL. It was nifty and peachy keen, wowza.
We brought in a pile of firewood and kindling, but its too wet to burn yet, ugh, 'cause of the SNOW on it. As I was perusing photos from the last few days, I noticed how disgusting the firebox looks without a fire actually burning in it, so I cleaned out the ashes and that's when I realized, WOW, I have actually worn out a set of brand new fireplace tools. Thats a milestone folks...thats a lifetime achievement...thats what life is all about right there. In 3 years I have slain a set of tools cleaning out that thing because we have had so many awesome rockin fires, gotta love that!
Why can't dogs live as long as humans? My guy is so cool, when he goes, you may as well take me too...I would've never believed you could love an animal this much...he melts my heart. And it's the knowing he won't be around as long as people that does me in, it's not fair, 'cause he is cooler than most humans I know...
I'm all out of thoughts...I'm out of here's today in photos...
There's CATS up them stairs...
BFF's man...
Stay tuned for pics of S.W's house and all the work they did themselves and where I got lots of great ideas, pending her permission...have a grrrrreat night...
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