I Said What?

Good evening.
Hubby drove to the reserve for smokes today. After he got back, we went to town grocery shopping. I realize it must seem like such a small and petty thing to some folks, but, believe me, when you live in the middle of a corn field, even the smallest things are a big deal, like, going to town lol.
While we were in town, it started snowing. Yay, finally! It hasn't stopped yet, it looks like winter out there. But doesn't that just figure eh? The holidays are officially over, it's back to school for Little R tomorrow, and NOW it snows. In the real world, the kids would usually spend their Christmas vacation playing out in the snow, ice skating, sledding, building snowmen and forts, and having snowball fights. This year was more like iTunes, ripping and burning CDs and Nintendo.
After promising Little R all day that I would do some laundry for her for tomorrow, I'm just getting to it now! I kept FORGETTING, ugh.
I had ocassion to go back and read some of my own archives tonight...how odd. I wouldn't have believed I wrote all this drivel. I sure do repeat myself a lot! There you go, a new goal, don't be so repetative.
One day in mid-December, when Hubby came home from work and swooped in for the big smooch, I couldn't help but notice he reeked of perfume. I said, "Why do you reek of perfume? Was there an office Christmas party or something? All the girls at work giving you hugs and smooches for Christmas?" He stood there, stammering, with this totally stunned look on his face. I knew then...I knew the truth.
I said, "You bought me perfume today....didn't you?!" He couldn't speak. LMAO.
K, have a great night.
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