~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Who Erects A Flagpole Without Using Cement??

Good morning.
I went to sleep at a decent hour and got a good nights sleep for a change. The school is open today. Hard to believe I was looking forward to a big storm. I should be happy we didn't lose our power or anything. Can't believe I was looking forward to that. So far this winter has been very un-winter-like. Hubby told me about a teacher he had back when he was in school, who had a theory that the poles are reversing. You know, the North Pole and the South Pole. Hubby now believes that teacher may have been onto something. I guess I was just expecting a wicked winter since we were getting snow in the middle of October. But a mild winter was the prediction in the Farmers Almanac or whatever. Oh well, maybe an early spring too, I can live with that. I'm even getting a little antsy for spring. If its not gonna be a real winter, then just bring on the tulips. I have so much gardening to do. This is the time of year I do the planning for my gardens. As in where to dig new ones, and what to plant where, and what to move. Last year I planted Day Lilies around the base of the flagpole. Now I'm wondering if that's why it fell over in the wind. Apparently it wasn't buried properly, or very deep, so when I dug around it, I loosened it. Who buries a flagpole without using cement??? I mean, its a BIG flagpole. Good thing it fell the way it did, it could have gone the other way and taken out the neighbours shed.
But thats life in this house. Constantly finding things wrong. The way they did everything is just wrong. As I've mentioned, there are no ceiling light fixtures, except one in the kitchen. All the electrical outlets are in stupid spots, like why would they put it there rather than here? Its just bizarre. Our dream is to be able to gut the place and start over. It doesn't look like we're going to move. It would seem we are staying here forever. And we will likely spend forever making it the way we want it. The area, the nieghbourhood, is like paradise. I do love it here. Its a great place for kids and old people alike. I think our house is old people friendly too. We did think of that when looking for a home. If we're going to grow old here, it has to be livable for us. Thats why we went with the side-split rather than a 2 storey....way less stairs. I also liked the 2 stairways, sort of like in a Victorian house, we have the back stairs, which go down from the kitchen to the basement, with a door into the familyroom as well, and the front stairs, which go up from the main entry to the bedrooms, and down to the familyroom. The garage is attached, but there is no door from inside the house into the garage, so you still have to go outside to get into the garage, how stupid is that? Why have it attached then? It'll be up to us to put in that door, which is in our plans. I could go on and on. There is much to be done. Winter is a great time to do these things. Sadly, Hubby is injured and can't do much. I'm gonna finish the painting today, even though it means my computer will be inaccessible for a couple of hours....OMG.
Have a fantastic day!


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