~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Monday, August 20, 2007


Still nothing new going on. Still down in the dumps like never before. Still upset about Big R moving away. I hope we will at least get to see her before she leaves. We went to town a couple of times over the weekend. Grocery shopping, etc. I knew in the back of my mind that Little R was going to need new whites for 4-H, so just spur of the moment, I said, lets go into Marks Work Warehouse. It was amazingly easy! They had white jeans and they were on sale. So we grabbed a pair, hoping they would fit her. They do fit and they were only $20! If only all things in life were so easy. I was also surprised at the selection of clothes in there. I thought it was all work clothes and I guess it is all casual wear, but they had some cool stuff. And decent prices.

Mr. Man finally started working on the truck. When he was given the work truck we took our truck off the road. We just didn't need it. It sat for about 3 years. Now that he no longer has a work truck and we are down to one vehicle on the road (which is driving me insane and contributing to my depression I'm sure), we figured its time to get the old truck on the road again. He took it over to D.Ws garage to do some body work on it. So hopefully by next week it will be back on the road and I can have my car back. When we got home from D.Ws, and this just shows how bummed I am, I happened to look in a mirror and was dismayed to see that my hair was a complete mess. It was in a ponytail/knot and slept on, I hadn't touched it yet, and Mr. Man let me go out in public like that! Thanks Honey.

I just had my weekly race with the garbage man. I just thought of it, ran upstairs and got dressed and was just getting to the curb with 2 bags when he pulled up, ugh. So I didn't get the recycling out this week, but its ok there isn't a lot.

Little R will be going to show her calf this week. But because its during the week, we won't be going. The first weekend show is next weekend, we'll go to that one. Hard to believe its this time of year again already. The summer flew by. Back to school in 2 weeks. This will be a big change for Little R. For one thing her bus will come an hour earlier, meaning she'll have to get up much earlier. And its off to the big high school in town. What a difference for her. Again I think this is contributing to my depression. She won't be just down the road any more, she'll be in town. High school is a whole new ballgame. It's going to be tough on her, I know it. We got very comfortable in her little country school down the road. It was the best school either of my daughters attended ever. And now its over. A whole new ballgame is about to begin.

So that's it. Have a lovely day. I'm gonna try to get off my ass and get something done around here.


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