~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Sunday, December 06, 2009

A Family Gathering

Greetings. Yeah, yeah, it's been a while. A funny thing happened. I checked my stats for the first time in many months and I discovered that one of my nephews (and his wife) have been reading my blog. We went to a family gathering on Saturday at another nephews place. Mr. Man asked me before we went if I was going to "confront" my nephew about reading my blog. I told him no, I'm not even going to mention it. So we pull up to my other nephews place and there is the blog reading nephew out on the porch having a smoke. The first thing he says to me is, hey, you need to post something new on your blog! LOL Jeez, I don't know about this. I guess I don't mind, I mean I do put it out there, and I don't know why, but people do read it, I know this. But I never imagined that these guys would be reading it. Oh well, it's weird, but cool at the same time. So, this one's for you Mike and Tam.

As I mentioned we went to a family gathering at one of my nephews places on Saturday. When my sister invited us I jumped at the chance to see my family. (Also got invited to my nephew Mike, the blog reader's place, on Christmas Eve). My family are not party animals, at least not with each other. We didn't even bring any booze, figuring there wouldn't be any drinking going on. I've gotten buzzed in front of my family before and really wasn't up for the disapproving looks etc. Well we were wrong, the booze was flowing. Some folks were visibly tipsy. It's always strange being the sober one lol. So anyways, it was good. It was a potluck dinner so there was lots of different food. Five of my nine nephews were there, my dad, my sister, my brother and his family, and some great nieces and great nephew. Is it great or grand? I don't know. I mooched a drink from my nephew Mike. It did not go down well. It was a bottled Cesar, but the spicy kind. It was too spicy for my taste. So my nephew and his girlfriend just bought this place this year. The house and everything in it was brand new. Mr. Man and I played a game of pool on the brand spanking new pool table. The cues, the balls, the chalk, everything was brand new. I've never seen new pool chalk before. Of course, he kicked my ass. I think I sank 2 balls. It always feels like we spend half the night outside smoking. My family doesn't smoke either, except my nephew Mike. I took a few pictures, but they're not very good. My brother got some posed shots, which he posted on Facebook, so I snagged them. I think I'll post them in a seperate entry because Blogger is just a pain for uploading photos. Mr. Man was there yapping away to my father and I kept telling him to speak up, but he continued to mumble. I could tell my father was just being polite, smiling and nodding, but couldn't hear a damn word he was saying. My dad is losing his hearing and his sight. My brother's step-daughter is blind and her boyfriend is almost blind also. I'm not sure how much sight he has. They just moved in together this year. I just don't get it. I don't know how 2 blind people can function in the world on their own. But I'm very happy for them. They play games with me on Facebook, like Farmville and stuff. I look terrible in most of the pictures. I just can't smile naturally with these stupid, ill fitting teeth and I need a haircut badly. Mr. Man needs a haircut too. We look like the hicks that we are. My nephew and his girlfriend have a chihuahua. I held it. It's not as spazzy as most chihuahuas, but I did end up putting her down because she was climbing all over me and giving me little chihuahua kisses like mad. Man I still miss the dog so bad. Mr. Man has a habit of leaving his t shirts on the couch, and whenever I see them out of the corner of my eye I think it's the dog laying on the couch. Then it hits me. So anyways, it was great to see my family. I really look forward to Christmas Eve, most of them will be there too and I plan on having a few drinks this time. If nothing else, at least I'll be more relaxed for photos lol.

We enjoyed the drive home, it was lightly snowing and there was tons of Christmas lights to look at. I still can't stand those LED lights, they just don't look right, not Christmassy. We got home and threw White Christmas into the VCR. It was around 1:30 a.m, I was sitting on the toilet, too much information I know, and I heard a female screaming outside. There was no doubt in my mind that she was being attacked. I called out to Mr. Man and told him to go out on the balcony. By the time he went out it had stopped. I kept asking him to call the cops and he wouldn't, he doesn't do 911. I was so freaked out, after a few minutes, I called 911. He stayed out on the balcony for quite a while and didn't see or hear anything more. We saw the cops driving around, but we didn't hear anything from them, so I guess they didn't find anything. That's the kind of thing you expect in the city, but not here. It took me a while to get to sleep after that, and I'm still a little creeped out by the whole thing.

I feel bad, Saturday was also D's birthday. She invited us over and I told her we would head up if we got back early enough. But it was around 11 p,m when we got home, too late. After her hosting my birthday party I feel like a heel, but in my defense I did send her a card via snail mail. D and S are going to crash the company Christmas party next weekend lol. They happen to like the bar the party is at. This should be interesting. Poor Mr. Man. His co-worker, the little fucker who's supposed to be his helper but just makes his job twice as hard on him, has been stealing money out of his jacket pockets! Now he's supposed to go party with the guy? Not bloody likely. We're hoping he gets fired this week, before the party. But we've been waiting for him to get fired for months. Mr. Man is somewhat dreading the party because of this. He's pissed. I don't blame him, that's so low. I am just praying if he doesn't get fired it doesn't come to blows. And if that does happen, hopefully Mr. Man still knows how to kick ass lol. Seriously, if things get heated, Mr. Man can just go sit with S. It's the same place we went last year, same thing, limo ride there and back, dinner and the biggest bar tab the waitress has ever seen LOL. What a bunch of hounds.

So that's it. I got some more unpacking done last week. It's almost done! We're having a couple of people over on the 19th, so I have 2 weeks to whip this place into shape. I got one bookcase from Freecycle, still need another one, but one will help. I can at least unpack a couple of boxes of books. It's still in the back of the truck and will likely remain there until next weekend. It's getting down to the wire, it's the same thing every weekend, come on Mister help me, I need REST, it's the only time I get to REST. There won't be much time for resting between now and Christmas. I'm in a panic now, haven't bought a single gift yet. I hate last minute shopping! But what can I do, the bills come first. I asked my sister what I should get for my dad and thankfully she had an idea. I pretty much know what I need to get, fortunately.

It's been flurrying just about every day, but not enough to accumulate. I'm pretty sure we got more snow in the country than we do in town. Despite the unusual lack of snow, I'm pretty confident we'll have a white Christmas. It's snowing right now as a matter of fact. K, I'm outta here. Have a great week. I'll be back after the company Christmas party.


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