~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Memories Of A Special Guy

I hope there are fields in heaven. Bear loved to run in the fields. He would run off every chance he got, and let's be honest I gave him the chance a lot, and he would head straight for the fields. He would run around there for an hour or so then saunter home like nothing happened. That was when we lived in paradise.

I noticed in most of the pictures we have of him he has his Kong nearby. He loved his Kongs. He got a new one every Christmas. He would chew them apart piece by piece. He also loved playing fetch whether it was with a Kong, or a ball, or a stick, or a frisbee, he could play endlessly. He always had a Kong.

He loved cheese. He could be sound asleep but if you opened a cheese slice he would be right there. He loved all kinds of cheese. You couldn't eat any without sharing it with him.

I'll never forget the first time I saw him. A guy at Mr. Mans work had him and didn't want him any more. They lived in a ground floor apartment and Bears life consisted of being tied to a tree all day. This guy was going to take him to a shelter. Mr. Man asked me if I wanted a dog. I said I'd try it out for a weekend and if it didn't work out he would have to go back. He arrived in a big cage on the back of Mr. Man s truck. Mr. Man let him out and I just about shit. That dog is huge! What are we getting ourselves into. But from that moment on he fit right into our family and he stole my heart. He was 5 years old and hadn't had much of a life. He was my constant companion from that day on. I allowed him as much freedom as possible. We had a big yard. We went for walks, we went to the park. I let him roam the nigbourhood more than I should have.

He became an important member of our family. He was treated with love and dignity. I spoiled him whenever I could. He loved Christmas. He got just as many gifts as the rest of us. He opened all his own gifts. He was like a little kid at Christmas. Couldn't wait for his next gift. We had him for 5 Christmases and it was a joy.

He was happy, healthy and smart. He was loving and calm. He was playful and wanted to please. He never once messed in the house. He made a mess shedding, but that wasn't his fault. Every fall he would shed getting in his new winter coat. Every spring he would shed for his summer coat. He had beautiful thick, shiny fur.

He was fearless and intrepid, except when it came to thunder and fireworks. For whatever reason those things scared him. He would tremble like a leaf and look for somewhere to hide. We tried reassuring him that it was ok to no avail. Poor silly guy.

He got sprayed by a skunk twice within a few days. I just bathed him and he was fine. He met a porcupine once. Mr. Man had to come home from work to pull the quills out of his snout. He was fine after that.

He loved affection and was affectionate in return. He was friendly to just about everyone he met. If you played with him you had a friend for life. Everyone who met him, loved him. People everywhere we went would stop to pet him and comment on how beautiful he was.

He was not good with window screens. He shredded every screen in the house in paradise. He just wanted to get outside. He wasn't good with other male dogs. He got into a couple of scraps, but he always came out on top. A little training probably would have rectified that. He pretty much tolerated Eddie, a male Jack Russel who we had for a year or so. He just resigned himself that Eddie wasn't going anywhere. Sometimes they were like best buds. Eddie tormented him sometimes. Eddie was untrainable. Eventually we had to find him a new home.

He would come, sit, lay down, get down, get up, move, sing, speak, drink water, shake a paw and sometimes give kisses on command. He ate a lot of food and drank a lot of water. He liked Snausages too. If it was ok for him to have he got a taste of whatever I was eating. I'd usually save him the last bite or give him my leftovers.

He never jumped up on people or sniffed crotches. He had manners. But if you sat on the couch he would try to be a lap dog and lay on you digging his elbows into your leg. Most people didn't mind.

I thank God we have lots of pictures and even some videos of him. I will never forget him. He was a very special guy. My heart aches with missing him. Our love for each other was complete and unconditional.

I am taking it one day at a time, just getting through the day. It's going to take some time to get used to not having him around. Meanwhile I have my memories and pictures. He will always hold a special place in my heart. Make no mistake, he was a very special guy. I'm sure to some he was just another dog, but to many he was an awesome dog.

Well I'm trying to move on as hard as that is. He was such a very good boy and will always be in my heart. Time to get busy around here and try to get my mind off of it. Have a great day.


Anonymous Del said...

Bear will definitely be missed. He was not only a good boy, he was gorgeous, loving, playful and so damn friendly. He loved you all as much as you loved him! I went to the firepit today to get something and it brought a tear to my eye.. the last time I was him was your birthday party...he was so exhausted at the end of the night from running free that he laid by the fire to get warm (in my mind thats what he did)...my heart is so sad for you guys, he was truly your best friend...I can't imagine the heartache you feel.......Don't stop writing about him, he was an important part of your family, he's gone but will never be forgotten.......Cheers

6:58 PM  

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