~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Monday, November 16, 2009

And So It Starts

We decided not to go to Port Dover for Friday the 13th, then we changed our minds. Mr. Man was getting out of work early for his meeting, so why not. So we got all geared up to go. Then as we were on our way, we stopped for gas, and the conversation went something like this, do you really want to go? I don't know, don't you want to go? Well it's late, by the time we get there everyone will be gone. Yeah it is an awfully long drive just to go to a bar. Let's just stay here and go to a bar and play some pool. Good idea. So that's what we did. We called S & D to see what they were up to, we knew they weren't going to Dover, they happened to be in town already, so we met up, had dinner and went to a bar. We played some pool. There was no band, which sucked. The DJ was not cooperative at all. But we had a good time anyways.

Little R was staying with a friend for the weekend, thinking we were going to be away. That's the new thing, if we go out, she goes out, not leaving her here alone. Saturday we went out for breakfast. Friends of ours took over the little restaurant we like to go to. I haven't been there in a long time. It was good. Then we went grocery shopping. Then we hunkered down and watched all 3 Santa Clause movies.

Sunday we drove to the reserve. They've raised the prices on smokes so we can't get as many as we used to and have to go more often. It was a really grim, gray day. When we got back home, Little R was sitting out in the hall waiting for us. She had been there for 2 hours. I was just thankful she came home Sunday because she had to go to court on Monday. I was just so thankful to see her home.

Monday I woke up with a serious back ache. I didn't go to court with Little R. It got put off for another 2 weeks. She blew her chance with the Youth Justice Committee and now will be dealt with by the court. The other way she would have come out of it with no record. Now she's going to get a record.

My sister called and invited us to a pot luck get together at her sons place in December. I said we'd be there. The company Christmas party is all planned. And so it starts. Running around every weekend, trying to find time to shop, juggling get togethers. We want to go see a Christmas play too, the local theater is putting on A Christmas Story. Actually Mr. Man went there today after work to pick up tickets but it was closed. I'm going to walk down tomorrow to get them. We saw A Christmas Carol there last year and totally enjoyed it.

The local Santa Claus parade is next weekend, we'll be going to that. I hope to get lots of pictures. Living in town now, it's just a short walk. Everyone likes a parade.

We're going to T's for dinner this week. I don't know why it has to be in the middle of the week, something to do with him working on the weekend. We'll be discussing him coming to spend Christmas with us. I think he should.

I'm not feeling too good. This back ache, depression, menopause. I still miss the dog like crazy. I still cry just about every day. I miss him terribly, still.

The apartment is a mess. I don't feel up to dealing with it. Now the super wants to come in later this week to check lightbulbs or some such bullshit. So I'll be forced to clean it up. I have to clean it up anyways, but damn, I don't feel like it right now. Little R is going to work with Mr. Man this week to help him out. It's not going to be a good week. I hope I feel better tomorrow. Have a great day.


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