OMG I Am So Clueless

One article I read, I think it was a blog, was about how hard it is to keep track of favourites lol, even if you bookmark a page, you may want it on a different computer like at work or to show a friend on their computer etc. I read several very interesting articles on this page actually and then drifted away from it clicking links and do you think I will ever be able to find it again? Not likely lol. Even if I go into my history, I don't think I'll be able to find it. I am so daft.
There is such a bigass world out there that I am clueless of. There is sooooo much information to be absorbed. I'm like a sponge, I love learning new things. One thing I read about tonight, that I think I will remember, is about building birdfeeders and keeping those big pesky blackbirds from raiding feeders. Did you know those birds will eat dry dog food and its good for them? Its cheaper than birdfood also. I had no idea! So if you put out a big platform type feeder with the dog food and gradually move it further away from the other feeder until its on the other side of the yard, the big birds will go to it and leave the other feeders for the smaller birds. Good theory, and of course I WILL test it lol.
Its too cold outside tonight. I had the dog out but after we came in he kept bugging me to go back out. So, I let him out back and soon forgot he was outside and went about my business. He must have taken off because he was nowhere near the house when I finally remembered he was outside an hour or so later. I put on my parka and went out calling him and whistling to no avail. A few minutes later he came in the back door and he KNOWS hes in trouble, he looks guilty, he looks at me as if to say "I just couldn't help myself mom, I'm home now, its all good...right?" I just tell him hes a bad boy and he runs off to his bed, end of story. It wouldn't even be an issue if our yard was fully fenced. But its open and hes just a dog, which is just like a little kid, and he will do whatever he can get away with and he doesn't remember hes not supposed to leave the yard, he wanders. I leave the backdoor so he can just push it open, its not like hes locked out or anything. He has a dog house out there, but he doesn't use it. Anyways, its too cold. It shouldn't be so cold this time of year. Hubby will HAVE to call the furnace people tomorrow. Turns out the guy we know who works with this stuff, couldn't fix it. The fireplace does a lovely job heating the familyroom, but thats it. The rest of the house is freezing. It just shouldn't be this cold in September! On top of it, we're sick. We have fevers. On top of that I have PMS, my mouth is still killing me from all the pulled teeth, I'm slowly starving to death because I still can't eat anything but ice cream, soup and bananas. I can't sleep. Every time I doze off I have nightmares and/or I wake with a start and/or in tears. Very uncomfortable in all respects.
So I will sign off now and try again to get some sleep. The book I'm reading now is kind of creepy and could be contributing to the waking with a start etc. Good night and sweet dreams.
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