~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Friday, September 08, 2006

I'm Not Completely Boring...

Much of this afternoon was spent surfing through blogs. As my dear Hubby slept, I surfed. I read some interesting stuff, some silly stuff, some very funny stuff, some truly stupid stuff and much talented stuff. Again, it only made me realize how deeply boring and lame my own blog has become.

How did this happen? Well, I would guess it was brought on mainly by fear. The fear of offending someone, fear of criticisim, fear of keeping an audience? A certain man once said to me "they may not all like me, but they will never forget me". His goal was not to be liked, but to be remembered. I'm not saying that's my goal, because to be honest, I do prefer being liked as opposed to being disliked lol, but that isn't my goal with my blog. My goal is to be heard, to hopefully be understood, to entertain, to amuse, to share my thoughts, feelings and opinions and to vent.

I recently asked my daughter why she hasn't posted anything on her blog since June. Remember she lost her job because of her blog. Her answer to me was, she is afraid of losing her new job. Well, I don't have to worry about losing my job, unless my husband divorces me, which he won't, so I have nothing to lose. My job is being his wife. His is the only opinion that really concerns me. I don't feel any great devotion, appreciation, admiration or respect from anyone else, can't lose it if I don't have it to begin with.

In fact, some of the people I used to praise and thank and show my appreciation of, on here, are the same people who have turned their backs on me. They judged me, criticized me, abandoned me and hurt me. They also don't even know what a blog is, or don't have computers (which is incomprehensible to me!) and knew nothing about my blog. I spend much of my time at my computer, doing many different things. I have taken a lot of criticisim for that too. I prefer communicating via the computer. I dislike the phone, only use it when I HAVE to, which is rare. I've learned so much and have learned how to do so much via the computer. It boggles my mind how anyone can criticize that. Now I sound like a broken record (whats that??). I've had people come out of the woodwork, people of the past, due to my blog. And all in a relatively short period of time.

I keep coming to the same conclusions about it all. People, in general, are idiots. In my life, in my experience, I have come across precious few people I can even tolerate, much less appreciate. The good news is, I am always meeting new people. I haven't given up hope, yet, that there are honest, decent, intelligent people out there. I have met a few...there has to be more, lol.

So, to hell with you all. If you can't differentiate between annoyance and rage, thats YOUR problem, not mine. I am not inarticulate. I express myself just fine. Maybe you are just argumentative? Maybe you are just dense? Again, not my problem.


There are those from the past who just can't let go. They keep checking up on me, keep offering unsolicited advice (usually really bad advice at that), keep sharing their negative opinions. They continue to try to hurt me, to put me down, to drag me down. Give it up.

Then there are the others from the recent past who continue to look down upon me, judge me, criticize me and spread their negative opinions. They too try to hurt me. Don't you realize you can't hurt me? You did me a favour. You spared me from wasting years on you before seeing your true colours.

And whats with the clowns nextdoor sending my daughter home with cucumbers out of their garden? If it wasn't so silly I would have sent them back. I don't want anything from you and besides I have my own garden. But seriously, there are plenty of other people you can give them to. How neighbourly...how unlike you. I know you guys do check in and read this now and then, so its not a waste of my time addressing you on here. You are folks who need to learn how to count your blessings. And gain some appreciation.

And so, life goes on. There is always a new adventure around the corner. There is always a new face in the crowd. The road through life is full of twists and turns and hills and obstacles. Maybe some folks have a roadmap, not me.

I will try to get back on track here, no more mind-numbing monotony and boring posting. Though really, thats my life, boring. But again, thats how I like it. Thats how I want it to be. I don't need drama, chaos, constant upheaval.

So todays excitement is the 4-H competition at the Arthur Fall Fair. We went to the Arthur Fall Fair the first year we lived here, it was pretty lame, but it did have a midway with rides. The kids have already left, Little R was picked up at 7:15. They go with the calves or meet the calves there. Then the morning is spent washing and brushing and clipping and fluffing the calves. Todays show is at 12:30. Sometimes they stay and go on rides after packing the calves and gear up. I guess that depends on the adults. We usually take off right after the competition. Its not a very nice day out there so far. Quite damp and cool. There are 3 other adults involved, sometimes 4. There's our friends who's daughter is in it also (the ones responsible for getting us involved lol), the uncle who is the trainer of the girls and the calves, who works on the farm the calves come from and then sometimes the guy who owns the farm and the calves is there too. One of them has to drive the trailer with the calves in it. I'm ready to head out any time, but Hubby is still sleeping. I don't know what kind of night he had, if he got any rest. He was pretty sick yesterday. So, I'll leave him be for now. I have a good feeling about today. I think Little R is going to do well. I think she will place in the top 3. If so, that would really boost her confidence and regenerate her interest in the whole thing. I'll be interested to see how sharp my psychic abilities are lol, I used to be quite psychic you know.

I haven't been reading my horoscope at all lately. That was fun. I probably do believe it a little more than I let on too lol. I also still believe most of it is just cleverly crafted wording that could pertain to just about anything.

I just looked outside and it is even drearier than I thought. Doesn't look like it'll clear up any time soon either. Its pouring rain and the weather network isn't calling for rain at all. Sigh.

Ok, I'm off to start my day, there's a ton of laundry waiting to be folded. You have yourselves a fabulous day now!


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