Lest We Forget (But Oops I Did)

Good evening.
To be honest, on Remembrance Day, I forgot it was Remembrance Day. I notice I even posted an entry that day. Today, I read a thread in one of my groups discussing the tradition of a 2 minute silence at 11 a.m. Someone in the group was in a store when it was announced over a P.A system that it was 11 a.m, please bow your head, pray and be silent for 2 minutes, however a couple of people totally ignored this and carried on chatting away through the whole thing, and how ignorant they felt this was. I would tend to agree. I happened to be in our truck with Hubby going to town at 11 a.m on November 11th. He reached over, turned off the radio and looked at me, and I knew right away what he was doing and we did have (almost) a 2 minute silence. I say almost because, silly me, I thought it was only 1 minute and started yapping after 1 minute. But I shut up again when he informed me. Oops. My point is, there was no one around, no one to impress, it was just the right thing to do. It DOES have meaning. It DOES matter. It's a matter of RESPECT. And we would have done the same thing no matter where we were. It's something we have both done every year all our lives. Not sure why I thought it was only 1 minute though, since it IS something I've done every year for 45 years, other than maybe old age, my memory just isn't what it used to be. I can't imagine having such disregard, disrespect, to yap through it in public. I'm sure Hubby and I both would have had something to say to these folks.
Someone also posted in that thread about a site called Chosen Soldier. I've checked it out and I think this is a great idea. You can send parcels and letters to the Canadian troops in Afghanistan! What a wonderful, tangible way to show your support, gratitude, appreciation and respect!
This week is the drop off time for the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. Now I'm going to start on a parcel for some Canadian soldiers.
I happened to go out to check the mail just as it was being delivered this morning, so I mentioned the missing mail to our mail lady and she was not happy to hear about it. But what can she do? I'm thinking of buying a new, lockable, mailbox.
Good night and sweet dreams.
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