Good Riddance To 2006
Good afternoon!
Well, here we are, the last day of 2006...and, good riddance. I am looking forward to a whole new year. It seems not so long ago that we were going from the 1900s to the 2000s, certainly doesn't feel like 7 years ago! The years are just flying by, time flies when you're having fun, that's so true. Life is too short dammit! (Just ask the Madass dictator, Saddam...I call him Madass, read it somewhere years ago lol).

Well, here we are, the last day of 2006...and, good riddance. I am looking forward to a whole new year. It seems not so long ago that we were going from the 1900s to the 2000s, certainly doesn't feel like 7 years ago! The years are just flying by, time flies when you're having fun, that's so true. Life is too short dammit! (Just ask the Madass dictator, Saddam...I call him Madass, read it somewhere years ago lol).
Anyhoo....our plans for last night, didn't work out. The night before, Little R had slept over at D.W's place, and they ended up at the hospital in the wee hours, because D.W got something in her eye! The doctors had to flip her upper eyelid inside out, to get whatever it was, out! Eeeeewwwwwww.....So, that meant they were all up all night. I didn't sleep too well myself that night. Everyone was a bag of poo all day yesterday, and they have out-of-town guests at their place, who keep changing their plans, can't make up their minds when they are going back home, thereby screwing up everyone elses plans. We ended up having another evening at home playing darts. S.W did stop by for a little while when she came to drop D.W off for a sleepover. So it was me, Hubby and the girls. I won the first game and then I couldn't have hit a barn after that. I did however make one pretty incredible shot, and had to take a picture of it of course lol! The second dart thrown, hit the first dart and stuck right in it! I must have hit the exact same spot. (It kind of wrecked the flight too, note to self: by new dart parts!) We had a few drinks, but were switching from Kahlua to wine, with coffee and pop in between, yuk. Eventually the girls took over the familyroom, threw in a movie and got cozy, so Hubby and I just headed ourselves off to bed. Still trying to recover from the previous couple of late nights and all-nighters, we all slept in until 11 or so.
The girls actually just left a few minutes ago, and Hubby is back in bed for an early nap. They are now going back to D.W's to babysit or something, and Hubby and I were supposed to be heading into town, (actually we have to head into two towns, which are in opposite directions, sigh). Whatever, later...
We have NO PLANS for tonight! Big R found someone else to puppysit P-Dot, so we don't need to stay home. We haven't heard anything about another dance at the Town Hall. I bought a pretty funky noise maker for Little R for tonight. I should have got a bunch of them, since I got it at Dollarama, therefore they were only a buck, I could have, just wasn't thinking at that moment in time. It's this huge plastic hand and when you shake it, it claps, loudly. Quite neat actually. So I don't know what we'll end up doing to ring in the New Year. I'm somewhat disappointed, but don't care to discuss it here, and I'm not really into another night at home, I'd like to get out. But if that's what it comes to, I won't be unhappy about it, we still have fun.
It began snowing as I was taking out the trash yesterday morning. (Got pics of that too lol). I eventually became so famished, I woke Hubby up to take me out for breakfast. There is a little place we like to go's so cozy, small, with one of those old-fashioned lunch counters with the stools and all, about 12 tables, some with window seats, and an electric fireplace...good food, good service and good prices. We like it. Even the McDonalds in town has a 2-sided fireplace. I don't know if ALL McDonalds restaurants have renovated like this one or not. Anyways, after breakfast, we went into town to do a little shopping. We did go to the Beer Store, where we immediately grabbed a 28 pack of Canadian lol. They'll probably slide nicely this evening. So there is a slight dusting of snow out there, just enough to make it look like winter. They're calling for temps in the pluses and rain all week, sigh.
It's 2:30 now, I doubt we'll make it to town before everything closes up early. Oh well, no biggie, we did our important shopping yesterday. We were actually only going to do some exchanging and returning of Christmas gift purchases that don't fit etc.
"Robert" lost both eyes yesterday and an ear this morning. He is now just a shell of his former self.
I'll sign off for now, probably be back's a couple of photos...
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