~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Saturday, December 30, 2006

A Kitchen To Die For

Good morning...
I have a wannabe hang over this morning lol. I'll be honest, to me, beer is beer. I cannot discern the difference from one brand to the next, it all tastes pretty much the same to me. Hubby insists there is a difference, well, whatever, I can't tell. I've always drank Molson Canadian, and thats just because, well, i Am CaNaDiAn! Hubby used to drink Labatts Blue, but switched to Canadian, to please me, I guess. So, when we were at the beer store just before the holidays, to pick up some holiday brew, I suggested we try something new. A while back, the same scenario, but I wanted Heinekin, don't even know how to spell it lol, just because I can, and because its in green bottles rather than brown. That shit was expensive, we grabbed a 6 pack to try it out. This time, money was a little tight, so I said lets try some of this cheapo stuff, what the hell, beer is beer right. After much gawking around, running into R.S and yapping in the middle of the beer store, we decided on Lucky Lager lol. The price difference is like $10 a case. Basically this stuff costs $1 a beer. Survey says...it wasn't so bad. Even our guests didn't mind drinking it. We just finished off the case last night. Since we are having company this evening, and we are out of beer, and the liquor cabinet is almost bare, (and I'm not giving up all my Kahlua this time lmao!), we'll be going to the beer store again today. Now, I'm just wondering what will happen. Should we go for the Lucky Lager again, go back to the tried and true Canadian, or try something else? Decisions...decisions.
Going over to S.W's place always inspires me. When Hubby showed up there to pick us up, and what a pleasant surprise that was!, I dragged him through the house showing him all the nifty little things I had just noticed. We came home and magically figured out exactly how we're going to renovate the main floor of this place. We want to extend the kitchen, its the heart of the home, and in this home it's just too damn small. Now we know how we're doing it and it's going to rock! It's going to be beautiful. I didn't get formal permission yet to post the photos of her kitchen, but I have a sneaking suspicion she won't mind, because she is quite proud of it, and who wouldn't be, it's awesome. And besides, she LET ME take the photos, and she knows damn well that means theres a very good chance said photos will end up here, being posted on my blog. And so, without further ado, I give you S.W's kitchen! Keep in mind, they did this themselves, they built the cupboards and cabinets and the island and the light above the island, the whole thing. And did all the staining of the wood etc. etc.

Isn't that something? I love it. I just love her house, period. It's an older home, which is what I've always wanted, and they've done so much to it to make it their own. It's cozy and warm, inviting, comfortable, beautiful, functional and homey. Here's a shot of the wood stove in the livingroom. I never asked her about it, if it was like this or if they did it, but who cares, it's gorgeous!

Well, hopefully she won't kill me for this hehe. Have a lovely day, I must get up and get the garbage out as today is our first after Christmas garbage collection.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey ...nice kitchen..not bad ...looks good....lol


7:40 AM  

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