~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Have A Wonderful Day

Good afternoon.
Noooooooo.....I'm not done painting......soon, today, for sure.
Tonight is the thing where we all go over to the high school because Little R will be starting high school this year. This gets me to thinking...there has been some stuff going on this year at school, with bullying, and the usual grade 8 girl crap, of cliques and rumours and he said/she said. My concern in this was that Little R started hanging around with the biggest bully in the school. I figured she was just bullied into it, its easier to join them, than be their victim. It would seem she has taken my advice, and pulled herself away from that crowd, as far as I know. Now the bullies have found a new victim. That Mom is not happy. She went to the school with her concerns. I hope none of that comes up this evening, it's not the time or the place for it, I don't think.
All this has taken me back to when I was in grade 8. Not fun times for me. I was a victim. The one thing I have learned over the years is that, bullies are generally people who are being bullied at home. They are people with issues. And I say "people" rather than "kids", because it does tend to carry through to adulthood, if it isn't dealt with in childhood. There are plenty of adult bullies out there too. It's likely passed down through generations.
Its kind of like rape, which is not about the sex, but about control. Bullying is not about the victim at all, its about the bully needing some control, because they feel they have none in their own life.
A little off topic here, but somwhat related too.
I have met 2 ladies in the last year or so, who I am very glad to have met. What a difference having people in my life who have shared similar life experiences, who can understand things I've been through, who I can relate to! I spent my life surrounded by people who had no clue, or at least claimed to have no clue, what I was talking about half the time. They tried so very hard to convince me that it was just me. As I type, I realize, I have 2 particular ladies in mind. Two, now women, once girls, who were in my life for the majority of my life. In the last few years I have learned what it was all about. The truth is, they felt so different from me, and had such different life experiences, that they took it out on me, they bullied me, they couldn't relate to me, they couldn't understand anything going on in my life. And they made me feel like there was something wrong with me. Which is what bullies tend to do right? I have since learned that both these women are ruled by envy and jealousy. Something I simply cannot relate to.
When you spend a lifetime with this shit, your head can get really screwed up. Getting myself away from both of them was the best move I ever made.
Now the new ladies in my life, have both been through similar shit, one of them referred to my move as, a "friend enema"! I love it! Thats so....um...accurate!
It just blows me away when I talk to either one of them. They understand! They tell me their own similar experiences! And guess what? There is NOTHING WRONG with either one of them! They are both dynamite women! They are comfortable in their own skin, they aren't jealous or envious. They are confident, well adjusted, prosperous, happy, people. Go fucking figure.
I believe the reason bad things happen to good people is, good people and bad people think way differently. Good people don't see it coming because it's not something that would enter their mind to do. Bad people see that as weakness, stupidity or naivety, and that's what they prey on.
There is nothing wrong with being a good person. There is nothing wrong with being honest, open and sincere. There is nothing wrong with not wanting to hurt others. Or not having the need to hurt others. I was almost convinced that I was the only honest and good person on this planet, almost. Then I met these wonderful women, who probably have no idea I feel this way, who have brightened my life, and helped me in ways they'll never know.
They both read this sometimes, so I'm sure they'll be able to figure out who they are. Thank you both.
More accurately, 3 out of 4 of these women read this sometimes, the 4th, well she always was kinda sketchy about everything, for all I know she's been reading it all along.
So yeah, I hate these damn boring school things. I'd so much rather be home, painting.
Have a wonderful day, world.


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