~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Is It Really Spring?

How wonderful to hear the birdies chirping when I woke up this morning! Hubby and I took the dogs for a walk late last night and it was still quite mild out. A lot of the snow has melted away. There are patches of grass poking out! It is rather gray and gloomy looking out there today, but it's still mild and the snow is still melting. We even had windows open yesterday yay!
We signed Little R up for the dance camp for 4 out of 5 days. Today is the one day she isn't going, so she went with Hubby down to the city to get some of the work done on the car. We were able to get a good deal on getting the gas tank fixed (it has a leak) and that will allow Hubby to do some of the other work, like replacing the muffler (it sounds like a jet). It looks now like I won't be getting a new car as soon as I had hoped. Oh well, I don't mind this car, as long as it's running properly.
The dinner Hubby made last night was an orgasmic stir fry on rice. He is such a good cook when he wants to be. It was absolutely scrumptious.
Last year was the first year I noticed I was getting the winter blahs. I had never been so eager for spring before. But this year is even worse. It seems nothing can get my mind off of it. I feel....well, BLAH. Not even day-dreaming about summer is helping. Planning gardens, planning my yard sale, planning rides, nothing. I haven't taken advantage of my tanning minutes at all yet. First it was because of Flo and now it seems silly with it being sunny and mild. Today isn't sunny, but I have no way of getting there now. Fortunately there is no expiration on the minutes, they'll be good for next winter too. Though I'm sure I will check it out this year at least once or twice. I have to do something to pull myself out of this feeling. Cleaning the house sometimes helps, temporarily. There is no escaping it today, I have no choice. I'll take advantage of having no one in the house and get some cleaning done. It seems Eddie has still been peeing in the house and it reeks. It is especially strong by the front door. Hubby caught him in the act this morning, peeing on his boots, yuk. Now that the smell of gas is gone, the stench of dog pee is undeniable. Not sure why or even when he is doing that. He gets outside plenty. Anyhow, it's gotta go, what a gross smell.
That got me to thinking, maybe I should let him out now, so I did, and guess what I saw out there? I saw a pair of Robins! Yay! That is a sure sign of spring!
I'm off to clean, have a great day.


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