~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Lilacs And Fences

It seems that I am almost always the first one to get up in the morning in this house. Once I start typing a blog entry someone else will get up and interupt me, usually. Before I can do anything I let the dogs out and make a coffee. I like having this time alone. It's never long enough.

This morning I found myself thinking about lilacs of all things. I have one lilac bush which was already here when we moved in. It's pretty small but has grown a couple of feet in hieght since we've been here. I found myself thinking about the lilac bush my mother had. I can still picture it. It was huge. She had it at one end of her covered patio, and it was like a screen. The smell would just waft through the patio in the spring. One of the blogs I've started reading mentioned lilacs the other day and posted pictures. I was thinking where are you that you have lilacs already? Sheesh, I'm still waiting for all my crocuses to bloom. No lilacs here yet. The one bush I have sprouts babies around its base. One year, maybe two years ago, I dug some of them up and planted them in my front garden. I didn't know what to expect. I had no idea if they would survive, never mind actually grow. But they did take, and have grown. I was thrilled when I realized they were going to survive. Lilacs take several years of growing before they bloom. I think it takes 5 years. This will be year three for those baby sprouts. The same year I also got some sprouts from my sister in Gravenhurst. We were there visiting and she was showing me her gardens. She has a white lilac bush. I must have told her what I did with my shoots so she dug up some of hers for me. They also survived. I planted them near the back of the yard. They are growing much slower than my purple ones. Different species do different things. Mine is obviously a fast growing type. So some day I will have at least three lilac bushes.
Many years ago we bought a lilac bush. We planted it at our cottage. It was there for a few years and never bloomed. I didn't know at the time that it takes them years to bloom. I thought it was maybe because of the sandy soil. When we moved from an apartment to a townhouse we dug up that bush and planted it in our little postage stamp backyard. That would have been in the fall. It bloomed for the first time that first spring. I was thrilled. We moved from there to here. I left that lilac behind. I left a lovely 2 year old garden behind. We lived right beside the caretakers and she had promised to give me a rose bush if I would leave the lilac bush. She never did.
That townhouse was my favourite place of all the places I've lived. I loved it there. I still miss it sometimes. I have little pangs of regret, wish we had just stayed there. But they are fleeting little pangs. Living in a rental gets you nowhere. At least when you buy a house it's an investment. You come out of it owning something. When you rent you have nothing to show for it in the end and are at the mercy of the owners. If they were to sell off those townhouses I would have liked to buy our unit. I guess I'm in the "I-hate-my-house" mood this morning. There's a dusting of snow on the ground and I wonder if there's any snow down in the city. Sigh.
Yesterday I noticed I have more crocuses blooming. These ones are purple and white striped. Very pretty if they ever open. This is only the second year for my crocuses. I seem to have a lot more of them than last year. And last year only a couple of them actually bloomed. I guess they're like everything else and have to become established before they flourish.
We bought a small juniper tree last week. It was meant to replace one that died in front of the house. But it turns out the one that died wasn't actually a juniper, it was a cedar. There were 2 of them, one at each end. I wanted to replace it to replace the feng shui. Meanwhile I've filled in the space with other stuff. I'm going to have a lot of transplanting and moving around of plants to do this year.
Yesterday we were out driving from town to town putting up flyers for the community sale, in grocery stores and laundrymats. One town already had a flyer up in the grocery store, I guess someone else beat me to it. Hubby wanted to go to the hardware store across the street, so I put one up in there too. While in there I saw the cutest wheelbarrow/planter. After much ado finding the price, it was $60, Hubby bought it for me! It is so cute, I can't wait to plant something in it and take pictures. It's still in the trunk of the car or I would have pictures of it already. I have absolutely no idea where to put it though. I think I'm going to end up digging some new gardens this year to accomodate all the transplanting I'll be doing. I think we'll be putting up a fence this year too. Eddie is just too fast. I watched him yesterday doing laps around the backyard, it was incredible. He must have gone around the yard 20 times, at top speed. But he has a thing for chasing birds, he's so young and cute, and I could see him chasing a bird right out into the road. The people on the right side of us, the ones with their house up for sale, have a chainlink fence all around their yard. They obviously didn't do a survey or whatever first. Our lots are angled, but their fence is straight. So they kind of messed it up for us. I don't like the look of chainlink fences. I guess it is the best thing for dogs, but man it's unattractive. So we can't even decide what type of fence we want. I just know the people on the other side of us, which is where the fence would be going up, are going to have a problem with it. So we're thinking, when we do do it, we'll get a survey and do it right, so they have nothing to bitch about. Ideally they should pay part of it, but they won't. Not that we asked, it's just something we know. A survey may also mean the people on the right may have to move their fence. How much trouble would that be? A lot! Many of the yards here are not fenced. I prefer it that way myself. But with the dogs, it's kind of neccesary. Unless we just do a dog run. Fence in a small area just for the dogs. I don't know. Then again we could just move. LOL yeah right.
I haven't checked the weather forecast yet. It's looking sunny out there and the birds are chirping. Here we are, the middle of April and we're still in winter mode. Wouldn't it be something to have a nice spring day? I think so.



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